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My Best Friend's Girl

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Hello, I am in 7th Grade and I have a really good friend who is like me in many ways. We have many things alike and we are like brothers. I am also friend's with his girlfriend (I helped them get together) and between her and I there are no secrets at all, we tell each other everything. She is just so lovely and wonderful and he doesn't value at all what she does for him. She is always sad because of him because he is never romantic and he is always thinking in other girls and he tells her which makes her get upset and I am the one that is always cheering her up. I always tell her how pretty she is and how happy it makes me to be her friend. I also constantly tell her I love her and I send her kisses. Two nights in a row we have stayed up till 8 am in the morning chatting.


What should I do? Should I wait for them to break up? Should I tell her now?

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It sounds to me like she might already be aware of how you feel. She has not told you not to do or say those things to her like the friend "ı love you's", sending kisses, etc. This makes me think she may be looking at you and how you treat her, and wishes her boyfriend (your friend) treated her the same, in a term called "grass is greener(on the other side of the fence)" effect. She may just not be sure what she wants right now.


Whatever you do though, maybe hold off on telling her and my only reasoning would be because you don't want to make her feel pressured to break it up with her boyfriend. Because its not just her happiness here at stake. The boyfriend is your best friend right? A rift in the friendship over this probably will not be fun.


Without swaying her, give it some time for her to really decide if she is happy with your friend. If she breaks up with him it should be for the right reasons. Even in a scenario where she realizes you might be better, she is also your friend too and you might potentially risk that friendship as well. So you have to be careful with this. Just somethıngs to think about, hope this helps. Good luck.

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I think you should wait for them to break-up first.


Hope your best friend doesn't find out you're talking to his girl like this. That could potentially ruin your friendship. Does she tell you she loves you back?

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She tells me that she is glad to have a friend like me and she also says that she loves me too. She also says that she sometimes thinks that I love her more than her boyfriend does.

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Thanks for answering.


Honestly, it doesn't sound like your friend is even into this girl; especially if he's telling her he's thinking about other girls. I believe she's into you. Hell, maybe you can even talk him into breaking-up with her.

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I do think that she feels something for me, but I know that she still feels something for him so I just don't know if I should tell her my feelings or wait for them to break up.

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Hey, this remind me of me when I was 15 (I'm 28 now). Same situation as you. I didn't tell her while she was dating my best friend, he eventually cheated on her (as he would always do) and they broke up. I was there for her and we became even closer friend after this. I sayed friend with both of them, she even dated another guy after my BF but it didn't work. Maybe 2-3 months after she broke with my BF, just before she was about to start dating a previous EX I admited my love to her. She was really confused and wasn't sure about it, I felt she was out of my league (physicaly) but god I wanted her sooo much I did everything to convince her I was the one. She gave me my chance and the 3 first weeks of our relationship she was very cold to me but I took really good care of her, and eventualy she opened up to my love! We dated for 11 years after that and lived together 8 years! Even if I sometimes feel I missed a lot of action being in a long relationship this young I truly feel I lived some amazing years with her. Even the breakup was a success and after a couple month of no contact we still catch up sometimes and we still enjoy eachother company as two really close friends.

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