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Fun activities to do as a couple

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Anyone try ballroom dancing with their BF or GF? I mean learn how to become really good at it. Seems like a great way to get exercise, have fun and spend time with your significant other. I think my jazz back ground will come in handy.


I am open to other suggestions

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I did some classes before my wedding. The class was a mixed style so we did everything from salsa to waltz and cha cha. That kept it interesting, it was great fun.


We did a spinning class at the gym together too, that was cool.


I do amateur dramatics and my ex joined me on a couple of occasions, it was fun.


How about a martial art or judo? I did jujitsu with an ex, it was the kind of class where you stick with a partner for most of the class, so we usually worked together. A lot of close contact while you're throwing each other onto the floor, ha!

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