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Saying goodbye to a friend

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I said good bye to a friend today. It was very sad and it broke my heart doing it, but I knew I had to. He's let me down so many times. No matter how many times I've tried to explain to him that breaking plans with me is mean, he continues to do it.

I am so tired of being a nothing to people, the spare part, the friend when there is no one else around. I am finally seeing that I attract non-committal flighty people into my life.


I'm trying to decide if I should make it a New Year's resolution of either not letting anyone into my life, or learn how to find people who can have real friendships. I seem to be leaning towards not letting people into my life - at least I won't have the chance of getting my feelings hurt that way.

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make me feel better

my friend did this to me. i thought it was very selfish. it hurt me alot. i think you should reconsider. real friends don't ditch each other when it gets tough. consider how he would feel if he lost a friend. if you have a problem with a friend, you should try to fix that problem and improve that friendship. running away from it is a cowardly thing to do and it will hurt the parties involved.

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But he's let me down so many times, and I've told him that when he makes plans with me that it's not nice to leave me hanging or to not show up just because something better comes along.


I have feelings too and he's not thinking of me. If something else ever came along for me after I made plans with someone else, I would either ask if it was alright if the 1st person I made plans with could join us or just turn down the 2nd invite.


What he has been doing to me, makes me feel like I am his back up when there is nothing else going on. And it hurts me very much.

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make me feel better

i feel like i'm listening to my ex-gf/friend when i read your comments. that is exactly what she said. i don't know what to say to you but i don't want your friendship to end like ours did. friendships are something to treasure. think about the positives things and not negative things. i think he would change if he knew how important you are to him, how important ur friendship is. i would give him some space, maybe not expect so much idk, and tell him his actions are hurting your feelings.


i would give anything to get my friend back : (

if only i had treated her better, paid her more attention, and made her feel more important.. i really regret it.

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Sometimes people are so wrapped up in their own stuff that they don't realize the damage they are causing others. When I wasn't medicated for ADD, it felt like the world was stacked agaisnt me. I also couldn't pull through for people because I couldn't properly estimate how important something was or how long something would take.


It is a good thing not to take it personally, odss are it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

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