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I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and i love him dearly. When we first started going out he told me his # of partners was just 2 before me. I have accepted that number as the truth ever since. Anyway, yesterday an old male friend called (who grew up with my man) and we were just chatting away when the subject of my boyfriend and his past came up. I told my male freind that i had finaaly lost my virginity to someone.The male freind said, well i knew that would happen if you were with tom(my man)!I was like what is that supposed to mean? He explained how tom used to get all the girls he wanted- in the sack or whatever.He said he even knew a few of the girls he had sex with!I asked for names to see if they matched up with the names he had given me.I used the following approach-I said i will name a few of the girls he told me he had sex with and you tell me if Im right. I named 4 girls incuding the two tom told me(the others i just made up) and the friend said, nope - none of those names. This male friend doen't even know that i think tom has only slept with 2 girls. I know the love and trust for my man should come first- and it does, but im just wondering if i should give his truthfulness about the girls a second thought or should i just say forget what the male freind said and move on? Note: when he told me those numbers i was a virgin so maybe he said that to make me feel more sexually comfortable with.i also caught an std from him.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

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I can tell you that he has probably slept with more. I hate to be such a pessimist. However, I find it unlikely that your friend would lie in this situation. Your boyfriend had everything to loose wheny'all had that conversation. Your friend really should have no other motive other than to tell you like it is. Does all of that make sense. I can tell you that your gut instinct is probably right on that situation

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I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and i love him dearly. When we first started going out he told me his # of partners was just 2 before me. I have accepted that number as the truth ever since. Anyway, yesterday an old male friend called (who grew up with my man) and we were just chatting away when the subject of my boyfriend and his past came up. I told my male freind that i had finaaly lost my virginity to someone.The male freind said, well i knew that would happen if you were with tom(my man)!I was like what is that supposed to mean? He explained how tom used to get all the girls he wanted- in the sack or whatever.He said he even knew a few of the girls he had sex with!I asked for names to see if they matched up with the names he had given me.I used the following approach-I said i will name a few of the girls he told me he had sex with and you tell me if Im right. I named 4 girls incuding the two tom told me(the others i just made up) and the friend said, nope - none of those names. This male friend doen't even know that i think tom has only slept with 2 girls. I know the love and trust for my man should come first- and it does, but im just wondering if i should give his truthfulness about the girls a second thought or should i just say forget what the male freind said and move on? Note: when he told me those numbers i was a virgin so maybe he said that to make me feel more sexually comfortable with.i also caught an std from him.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

maybe your BF was worried how you might react to his past. If this were the second time you had seen your BF, it might just be cos he wanted to get you into bed.


But since you have been together a year, I think he seems pretty serious about you. So I would forget it, and put it down to him telling you a white lie. He shouldn't have lied to you, but how would you have reacted in his position?- you too might have played down something if you didn't feel too great about it.


If you can't put it out of your mind and behind you (which personally I think could be best), you might want to let him know you've found out the truth.


If until know you've felt you can trust him- don't let this destroy your relationship.


good luck

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billy the kid

hey Jane,,,, love the name.. any way just a little personal experience.... My ex worked with mainly guys and a couple of girls, ok? now she was really cute, and I'm no hound..ok? well the guys were always lying about me cuz they wanted what you can guess.. and the girls were either lying to me or her, geeez I can't understand why... any way believe your man untill you catch him lying to "you"... never believe the others they always have other motives....and I would have used bigger words but I can't spell... can you spell ultiriear....

I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and i love him dearly. When we first started going out he told me his # of partners was just 2 before me. I have accepted that number as the truth ever since. Anyway, yesterday an old male friend called (who grew up with my man) and we were just chatting away when the subject of my boyfriend and his past came up. I told my male freind that i had finaaly lost my virginity to someone.The male freind said, well i knew that would happen if you were with tom(my man)!I was like what is that supposed to mean? He explained how tom used to get all the girls he wanted- in the sack or whatever.He said he even knew a few of the girls he had sex with!I asked for names to see if they matched up with the names he had given me.I used the following approach-I said i will name a few of the girls he told me he had sex with and you tell me if Im right. I named 4 girls incuding the two tom told me(the others i just made up) and the friend said, nope - none of those names. This male friend doen't even know that i think tom has only slept with 2 girls. I know the love and trust for my man should come first- and it does, but im just wondering if i should give his truthfulness about the girls a second thought or should i just say forget what the male freind said and move on? Note: when he told me those numbers i was a virgin so maybe he said that to make me feel more sexually comfortable with.i also caught an std from him.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
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I think you should ask your boyfriend about this straight out. At least he will have a chance to defend himself. It is easy to accept the words of someone else, but maybe this guy who told you this has intentions towards you himself and is looking to make your boyfriend seem untrustworthy.

I can tell you that he has probably slept with more. I hate to be such a pessimist. However, I find it unlikely that your friend would lie in this situation. Your boyfriend had everything to loose wheny'all had that conversation. Your friend really should have no other motive other than to tell you like it is. Does all of that make sense. I can tell you that your gut instinct is probably right on that situation
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