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I'm still thinking about her


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I posted November 26 under "I'm in love". I week has gone by and I've tried to get her off my mind and I succeed in doing that when I watch a movie or listen to video game music. But I just can't stop thinking about her. I've gone through a week of school without saying a word. I basically avoided her. I kind've know one of her boyfriends that's in my english class. Should I talk to him about her, maybe he can tell me somthing. Maybe how to approach her again or something. I dont know what to do. I'm so sick of being so lonely sometimes. I have 2 really close friends but sometiimes it does'nt seem like they're my friends. I'm confused as usual. I like this girl so much. I just wish there was a way I could get to know her. That's all I want. One chance. I came so close when I asked her out. Maybe if i talk to this kid, he can help me out. I can't go through the rest of high school without at least being friends with a girl. What do i do?

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Hello Daniel! :)


Take it from someone who has been there....the only way that you are ever going to get over this is if you TALK To her!


Maybe talking to one of her boy friends is a good idea. Be prepared tho , for him to tell her about your " crush " . But maybe that is something that you want?! You know that you have to at least talk to her, because if you don't you'll be kicking yourself in the ass about it for a long time!! Cause these are some of the only things in life that we can't change. Small silly things like this, that stick with us for a long time. Regrets are not a lovely thing to have! And you don't want one, so take the initiative and just TALK to her. Pass her in the hell and just say " HI!!! " :). If you want to, talk to one of her friends, to get a feel for her situation. If you want something really badly just go and get it. You will feel so much better after. A lot less " lonely " and depressed. But don't feel toooo much like that over her. But hey..my guess is if you get the chance you can make good things happen! :)


Good luck to you!


Dani G

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I don't know, she makes me so nervous and scared whenever I talk to her or even say hi. I would'nt know what to say or when to talk to her. Is it possible to start a relationship with a girl in high school without being in one of her classes or not knowing any of her friends? And then if you read my situation below the kid that called me a punk i know somewhat and i hate him and he hates me, what if I start to talk to her or say hi and he makes a complete a**h*** out of me in front of her or something. That's the kind of stuff that makes me so nervous. Feeling like a jerk in front of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. And I dont know if i should start talking to her after a week of (trying to) ignore her. And if I ever do start a relationship or friendship with her I want to accomplish it by myself, not with the help of her friends arranging the whole thing, i hate that. Is it ok to start a relationship like that? By just talking to her face to face and asking her out face to face rather than friends arranging it for you cause that's the way I see it's done in my school, i hate that. Also whenever I'm home I feel that I could just go up to her and tell her anything but after I get off that bus and I'm in school I get so nervous and scared. Is that normal? There is a chance that I could talk to her after school though. See I take photography and she does too but we have it different periods and students usually stay after to develop and stuff like that. I've stayed after a number of times but she has'nt. She put her name on the sign up sheet a couple times but never showed up. And when I put my name on the list last week and I saw her name I got so nervous that I would see her and that this could be my chance but she never showed. I think next time I'll just sign my name and not look at the other name's and be surprised.


Well thanks again for reading, and any advise would help.

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