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My ex-girlfriend is 21 yrs. old. We lived together for 1 yr, and dated for a year before that. I was always the one "in control", although i never abused that, i loved her very much. we made plans to get married, have kids, travel, we were head over heals. She recently told me she needed space, and now she's sleeping with another guy. The pain is absolutey overbearing. I gave my heart and soul to this woman. What is even harder, is that she occasionally calls me and says that she still cares for me and that she actually loves me, just cant be with me right now. I'm an absolute mess. I can't stop thinking about what was-the tender moments, the beauty and passion of our relationship. She's told me that she's depressed right now, and has been acting very strangely lately, aside from her love life. I truly love this woman, and want to marry her, but this is so incredibly painful to see what she is doing to herself, especially when she broke up with me, and says that she still loves me, and I still love her.

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So she needed space from you so she could sleep with another guy??? Wow, that really sounds like the kind of lady I want to have for the mother of MY children. I mean what better way to put more screwed up nuts on the face of the planet that to give them a mom who's nuttier than a fruit cake.


You wrote that she calls you and tells you she cares about you and loves you but she can't be with you right now. Of course, she can't, she's SEEING SOMEBODY ELSE AND SHE WANTS TO BE FAITHFUL...she's just that kind of lady.


She is depressed, has been acting strange, is with another guy, doesn't want to be with you, and you truly love her. What about her is there to love??? You have to have some reason. Do you love to feel bad? Are in into masochism? When I fall in love, it's because a lady is kind, considerate, thoughtful, sane, unselfish, open-minded, sweet, caring, and loyal. Hey, you're entitled to your own criteria and I respect that.


But when you fall in love with a woman who can wrap you around her little finger, manipulate you, sleep with other guys while she keeps you on a string, makes you feel sorry for her and keeps you in love with her, you have to prepare yourself for the saddest, loneliest, most pathetic life anyone has ever lived.


The advice I give you here is to be a MAN, drop this woman from your itinerary, delete her from your hard drive, and move on. Now I do get a lot of criticism for telling people to move on so I am challenging others to come behind me and justify why you should wait around for the sorriest excust of a human being to come back into your life and make it more miserable than it is now. I just can't wait to see how they justify that.


As a matter of fact, if I talked to this lady on the phone, I would immediately replace the instrument because I wouldn't want to ever use a phone that her voice had worked it's way through. I would also get call block. And I would spray the room with disinfectant. And I would clean my ears with Q-tips. Then I would call a prayer line and ask for divine intervention that she would never call again.

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billy the kid

well if you live in the US I am sure you live close to a Wal-Mart or some other big store. so now go there and buy her a boy doll and tell her to play with it... that is unless you don't mind being a toy..... a year or 5 years she is still playing you like a playstation.....love the game or get a new handler....

My ex-girlfriend is 21 yrs. old. We lived together for 1 yr, and dated for a year before that. I was always the one "in control", although i never abused that, i loved her very much. we made plans to get married, have kids, travel, we were head over heals. She recently told me she needed space, and now she's sleeping with another guy. The pain is absolutey overbearing. I gave my heart and soul to this woman. What is even harder, is that she occasionally calls me and says that she still cares for me and that she actually loves me, just cant be with me right now. I'm an absolute mess. I can't stop thinking about what was-the tender moments, the beauty and passion of our relationship. She's told me that she's depressed right now, and has been acting very strangely lately, aside from her love life. I truly love this woman, and want to marry her, but this is so incredibly painful to see what she is doing to herself, especially when she broke up with me, and says that she still loves me, and I still love her.
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I agree with Tony. She is just keeping her options open with you in case the new dude doesn't pan out. I would definiely tell her that you are dating too, during your last conversation with her, and that the lady you are seeing is wonderful and can give you the things that you need from a relationship. Then go out and find that person. I know so many wonderful women! You sound like a guy that a lot of women would treat the way you deserve to be treated.

So she needed space from you so she could sleep with another guy??? Wow, that really sounds like the kind of lady I want to have for the mother of MY children. I mean what better way to put more screwed up nuts on the face of the planet that to give them a mom who's nuttier than a fruit cake. You wrote that she calls you and tells you she cares about you and loves you but she can't be with you right now. Of course, she can't, she's SEEING SOMEBODY ELSE AND SHE WANTS TO BE FAITHFUL...she's just that kind of lady. She is depressed, has been acting strange, is with another guy, doesn't want to be with you, and you truly love her. What about her is there to love??? You have to have some reason. Do you love to feel bad? Are in into masochism? When I fall in love, it's because a lady is kind, considerate, thoughtful, sane, unselfish, open-minded, sweet, caring, and loyal. Hey, you're entitled to your own criteria and I respect that. But when you fall in love with a woman who can wrap you around her little finger, manipulate you, sleep with other guys while she keeps you on a string, makes you feel sorry for her and keeps you in love with her, you have to prepare yourself for the saddest, loneliest, most pathetic life anyone has ever lived. The advice I give you here is to be a MAN, drop this woman from your itinerary, delete her from your hard drive, and move on. Now I do get a lot of criticism for telling people to move on so I am challenging others to come behind me and justify why you should wait around for the sorriest excust of a human being to come back into your life and make it more miserable than it is now. I just can't wait to see how they justify that. As a matter of fact, if I talked to this lady on the phone, I would immediately replace the instrument because I wouldn't want to ever use a phone that her voice had worked it's way through. I would also get call block. And I would spray the room with disinfectant. And I would clean my ears with Q-tips. Then I would call a prayer line and ask for divine intervention that she would never call again.
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