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any thoughts on this? question about guy i like and myspace..

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I met a guy a month ago at our volunteering christmas party. As soon as i walked in we noticed eachother and continued to make eye contact all through the evening. We were seated at different tables so it was a bit hard to get to talk. Since then we have started working together 2 days a week and the eye contact has continued. we get along well but i am quite shy and feel a bit nervous around him. he asjs my thoughts on things, is friendly and is always around me or aware of me. Anyway i searched him on myspace and he has an account but its 2 years old and hbs not been used. 3 days later i searched again and lo and behold he has a new account set up, saying 'just joined'. i check back again 2 days later and its gone! do you think he found out i looked at his prof4le? i am away from the volunteer place for 3 weeks due to holidays so i may not see him and am worried he now thinjs i am weird for searching him. he was staring to show more signs of interest so i hope i hauent blown it. His old account is still

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I've had a MS account for about five years and know of no way of determining who exactly has viewed it. All I see is number of views. My account and most of its content is public so anyone can look at it. Unless there is some new feature I'm not aware of, I wouldn't worry about it.


Can you have a casual conversation with him? If so, making references to not being married or with a boyfriend, even if not directly, can encourage him if he's interested. Most guys won't care, but some do and he might be one of them. Reduce obstacles to him showing proactive interest. Flirt a little, even if only with your eyes. Make good solid calm eye contact. If you appear as comfortable and open, he's more likely to get into your personal space and ask you out.


Have fun! :)

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