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I believe fiance is cheating, what should I do?

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The only thing I will say about the pictures is that they are definetly something you would not send to a platonic friend. They are indecent and lets just say he is satisfied when he takes them.


Thanks again FedUp, you are sweet.

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U need to let him go



His behavior toward u is his way of telling u that he does not want to be involved with u anymore. If men see that they can string u along, then they will continue to do hurtful things to u because they know u are going to be there and u don't have the guts to leave him, but if u get a backbone and leave him alone, he'll realize one day that he had a good person and he lost her. U don't have to stay in a loveless relationship (on his part because if he loved u, he wouldn't be doing the things he is doing to u.) U deserve better so get out of this unhealthy relationship and find true love that u so deserve. He is a lying, callous two timing brute who is only concerned about himself. Any man that goes online and does things with other women other than the woman he has, is considered a h_e and is not looking for just one woman to satisfy his ho_ _h appetite. Girl lose the h_ e

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