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Photoshopping my face and he says, "Don't!"


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My love life is quite the shambles......


3 months ago I moved overseas (Europe). 1-2 years prior to that I already planned to move and I decided to find people online who lived in/near my town so I could get a better idea about life over there.


I met a guy who happened to be moving to my country (ie doing the vice versa of me) but not my city, so anyway we got chatting... when he came to my town I showed him around and we had a fun day. I did not have any feelings for him or anything at that stage.


6 months later... he's come back home (Europe) for a visit and is now showing me around his home town. We spend a wonderful day together and we really clicked. I got a feeling that maybe he liked me but was too shy to do anything about it. He took me out to lunch and we just walked around this beautiful town.


We were talking about photos (since we're both enthusiasts) and then when he dropped me home I showed him how to use Photoshop... just as an example I started scrubbing out the pimples (few) and freckles (lots) on my face and he seemed really upset by this, pushing my hand away and saying, "No, don't do that!"


I've thought about that moment (2 months ago now) and not quite sure how to interpret it. Was he really that upset by it, was he just being nice, does he like me? What does it mean?


I think back to that day with much fondness as it was seriously one of the happiest days since I moved here. We related to each other a lot - about the language difficulty, the culture shock, being alone and travelling alone, etc.. when we were talking in the car I really felt like we understood each other well.


A few days ago I went back to that city (alone) for a wander and I found myself re-tracing my steps from the first time I went (with him) half intentionally, half not intentionally. Even though I was alone this time I still spent a wonderful day in this beautiful town but I couldn't help but think back to the first time I came with him and how perfect it was. I had so much fun (and it hasn't been easy settling into a new country where I basically know noone in this town, etc)...


He hasn't given me any concrete signs that he likes me... but I get a strange feeling he might. It's stupid though because he's there now, and I'm here on the opposite side of the world. He's asked me when I'm going home and to be honest I don't want to just yet.


What could it all mean?? I'm confused!!

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"A face without freckles is like a night without stars." ;)


If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that he likes you just as you are, with your pimples and freckles. Y'know 'perfection' is overrated. But you'd probably have to ask him to confirm that.


There's not a huge amount to go on, but my gut feeling is that there's an attraction there. You don't mention how you left it with him. But if nothing comes of it, you had a wonderful time and you've got some memories to treasure. :)

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Sorry, you're right. There's not a lot to go on. There really isn't a lot to tell though.


We've only met up twice (each time for only a few hours) but have talked dozens if not 100 times on the internet (on/off) for more than 2 years! I actually cannot believe it's been that long already.


I definitely certainly felt some attraction for him on that day... He wrote me an email a few days ago asking me when I was coming back.. I know it could just be a normal question without anything behind it, but it could also mean he would like to see me?... I dunno... or maybe not...


I think I'm gonna feel like an idiot if I ask him if he likes me and he says No. That's all.

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He wants to spend time with you, I would take it as read that he likes you. In what capacity, I'm not sure.


I would just go with the flow rather than rush a confession from him. I think that in this situation it could go either way and it's easy to get caught up in the analysis and expect for more than is offered. I am hopeful for you, however, that things will work out.

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