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Super Quick Question For Tony!

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No, as a matter of fact it may mean they are quite interested. It could mean they are very coy, like to play hard to get. It could mean they are seeing somebody right now but would be interested in going out with you if that doesn't work out. It could mean they have bowel problems and can't date because they never know when they may have to go quickly to the bathroom.


It could mean that they can not go out with you right NOW but tomorrow may be a different story. In relationships, nothing is written in stone. Nothing at all. I mean NOTHING. You just never know how things are going to end up.


Whether or not they every go out with you depends on lots of things. First, if you become their buddy, they may just always think of you as a friend or buddy and not someone to go out with on a romantic type date. Maybe they're waiting for you to gain or lose a few pounds, you would know the answer to that. Maybe you are an ex of a friend of theirs and they need to wait for some time to pass.


Maybe he's fixing to go into the military and will ask you out when he gets discharged in four years. Maybe he's got to go to jail on a DWI deal and can't date until he serves 60 days in jail. Who the hell knows?


There are just so many reasons for saying that...but basically don't be surprised if the person who said that asks you out real soon. People are just wacky...isn't it great!!!


But don't wait around for him to ask. There's lots of guys out there!!!

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You could also avoid trying to figure out what that phrase means and just ask him. Since he had no problem telling you flat out where he stood, he shouldn't have a problem telling you just what that phrase means....

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