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Hello all, this is my first post but I am in need of some real advice here. Just over 7 months ago I finally managed to break free from a terrible relationship with an adulterous alcoholic who's actions very nearly resulted in Social Services becoming involved in the welfare of our children (Her alcohol related issues). I will not go into details here but it was a really bad few years of my life. The end result is that I have our children full time as well as a full time job and most definitely my hands full.


Fast forward to 4 months ago and I had the chance to go out for a night with some of the guys from work where I met a lady, now I took my time and we dated, and we had both been married and things were going very very well. It showed me that not all women were "bad" and I eventually bit the bullet and started developing feelings for her. I met her children and she met mine. Everything was going well and she told me that she loved me and if I am completely honest I felt the same way. It was like someone had lifted me out of the darkness!


The downside is... it turns out that during the whole of our relationship she had been messaging a guy at her work and the messages had become very rude, very explicit and at her Christmas party they kissed. I found out when she left a list of messages on my laptop. I confronted her and forgave her but on talking she told me with complete honesty (as that is our policy) that had I not found out it would have probably carried on. Now I know it was only a kiss but I feel devastated, we have seen each other since but I can't help but feel insecure and worried that I may end up in another relationship where I end up getting hurt and messed around.


Please help (both early 30's btw))

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