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Devastated...Husband is using drugs again

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Husband did speed again, I told him that if in 3 months he's not getting it stopped I am taking our son and leaving.


I am trying to get him to go to a Detox program, he really needs help, although he only does it every few months, he missed work for 2 days this week due to drug, plus spent $100 on the pleasure, and I say F**k that! I need to get a better life for me and my baby son.


Hopefully he will decide what's more important us or the drugs.



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If he's not willing to change then you should leave. It'll only get worse and in the end you'll just get hurt worse. I"m sorry he's doing this to you & himself. Call a drug prevention hotline and see what they recommend.

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Start going to Al Anon and start making plans to get on with your life as a single parent. Staying around will not make him change...he's having his cake and eating it too, so to speak. Threats don't work, especially with people who are committed to drug use. Also, what you know he's done is probably only a small part of what he does. You don't catch him every time. He is not earning the right to be in your marriage. Don't sell yourself or your child, so cheap. Good luck. It's hard, I know. A support group such as Al Anon might help you a lot. It's free and accessible in most towns.

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