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whats a guy to do?

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what am i supposed to do? my beautiful great girlfriend just broke it off with me after 6 months and i know that she's gonna have tons of blokes after her.


the worse thing is she thinks nothing of pulling blokes and before going out with me she used to pull her bloke mates all the time. She goes out every thursday clubbing and i dont know how im gonna cope with the fact that shes gonna be getting with loads of blokes.


its ok for her because she doesnt come out of the relationship with her confidence absolutley shattered and its easy for a girl to meet new people. epecially her as she is gorgeous. i just dont like the fact that blokes who dont even care for her are gonna be getting with her


that hurts!

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yea when we we're on a "break" my gf kissed 2 men and one was a weirdo and followed her home and i was worried sick after that then the second time it happened in front of me, So imagine that! its a Pain in the ass, And i felt the same way u did when the relationship ended it sucks, especially when she ended it and doesnt know how it feels to be in the situation, But u gota get back out there... The worst feelin is picturin your ex with someone else, it jus makes u feel sick and it sucks (my story is complicated, read the "hard breakup" thread)


So things suck, but they shud get better....

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yeah i cant stop thinking about it. i keep thinking of her making love to someone that doesnt give a s*** about her. Its driving me crazy.


the worse bit is that i was supposed to be staying at her house for two weeks as she has a free house.now im not with her she is going to be having loads of parties and i wont be there.


thats driving me crazy as i know something is bound to happen

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