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Dont know what todo anymore

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alright, my life as is today sucks, hasent really been any good since highschool. some history... im 19 living at home, got a decent job, some good friends but hating my life, feeling loney all the time, havent hooked up with a girl since summer, havent had a real gf, maybe like 3 close relationships but always got ****ed over, im not the type to go for a girl, id rather hqve them come to me, i know it doesnt work like that so ive been trying to change my ways. my so called close friends, or who i thought were good friends screwed me over, im the type of kid who will tell u to ur face about **** not talk behind your back, i like to think myself of a generally nice guy, dnt like doing harm to ppl, but anyways i kno for a fact everyone i used to call friends all think im gay, bc they think ive never been in a relationship or am still a virgin, which both r incorrect, but everytime im around them their always putting me down, always trying to watch wat they say so i dnt get "upset", like ive recently stoped smoking herbs, and they all think its so weird, that ive changed, maybe ive just grown up, maybe wanna get my life goin somewhwhere, w.e if i was gay id know so, that getting in my head was really ****in me over, thinkin i was act gay bc my friends were making me think i was, im at the point now idc what they think abouty my sexuality i know im not, i know i like girls, i just really hate how the doushbags always seem to get the chicks, like onea my friends.. been in 3 yr relationship, nd has ****ed around wit most of the girls in my friend group, like i hate guys who cheat, but i cant really say much bc i havent delt wit a long term relationship, alright wtf im talkin too much, so here, i neeeeeed help, i dont want to end up like my uncles, 45 yo, no family no wife, nothing, i cant go threw life lonley, im only 19 nd cant deal as it is, dnt come up with the same responce everyone does, time will tell, or itll come to u, dnt respond if thats ur only help, tell me like it is, i have been trying myself but any other suggestions will be of great help.. thanks all

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hell yeah bro, you tell those friends of yours that you are growing up, stop giving a **** what they think. And I'm glad you're not smoking anymore. But here's the spiel if you want to be better at talking to women, there is no shortcut or easy solution. You just got to start talking to girls and with experience you'll learn your own way, that's it confidence comes from experience not from a website or books. That's what I did.

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