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Hey Everyone - Wanna Set GOALS with Me?

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My goals are pretty humble, I think:


1) Find a job

2) Do well on GREs

3) Consolidate loans (this sounds funny, but uh... very important)

4) Pay off loans

5) Apply to an MPH program and get into any of my top choices

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here are my short term goals for the year.


1. get a part time job and work my full time job

2. save up 4 grand

3. get my a+ cert.

4. move out of my parents house

5. sell my motorcycle and buy a different motorcycle

6. and the most important is get my finances squared away

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My goals (mixture of short and long):


1. Finish fixing up the house

2. Take the GRE and get accepted to grad school (need to do this quick - application deadlines are coming up!!)

3. Find a roommate to help with the mortgage

4. Finish my MS in 2 years, sell the house, and move to London to get a MBA

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Short term goals for this year:


1. Get CNA certification so I can have a job again

2. Improve myself through counselling and hard work (this is short and long term)

3. Get out and meet new people, be it through the SCA, church, new friends, whatever.

4. Keep up with the exercise... hell I do that anyway.

5. Train my new cockatiel Goober, and let her train Skippy (other cockatiel) to be more accepting of new foods.

6. Take a vacation if I can afford it. Its been a while and I really could use one.

7. Re-decorate MY apartment and clean the stains the stbxH left on the carpet from his boots.

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I'm a mechanical engineer, working on my masters degree right now that I started 5 years ago. Guess why I didn't finish.. because of a breakup!!! Not this time. Good luck. Do you really need all that eduation to be an operator?

Nope, I'll be a operator by 2012. I just want some other degree, even if it's just a bachelor. More impressive for the ladies :)

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I'm feeling great today D78!

My focus has shifted to 1) the bright future and 2) ME!

For too long, I was dwelling on the hurt.

I was reluctant to let it go.

Now, it's just gotten old.


I am adding "Learning Russian" to my list of long-term goals.


Thanks for inspiring us to shift gears and break our negative wallowing!:bunny::bunny:

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I'm feeling great today D78!

My focus has shifted to 1) the bright future and 2) ME!...


You're welcome. I got the idea from you so I should thank you.


I'm glad to hear that you're feeling great today. Thanks for joining the thread (was kinda afraid no one would).

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  • I ordered the Michel Thomas CD set for Beginning Russian from Amazon.


  • I sent an email to a friend I've fallen out of touch with.
  • Although it's raining here in Nor.Cal and I want fast food, I'm getting a salad for lunch.
  • Going to the gym tomorrow and sending off a "love letter" to another friend.
  • Meeting a friend for lunch this weekend. I refuse to talk about my breakup.
  • Sent my subscription off to InStyle. The magazine helps me stay fashion current.

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Yay cerridwen!


Thanks for the progress update.


I woke up the day after I recorded my goals sick as a dog. My progress update will not be as good, but I am encouraged by you. Thanks!

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... I didn't do so great. I was sick all week. I slept a lot, but didn't do much else.


I ate twice each day. I only exercised twice because I didn't want to go to the gym and get everyone else sick. I didn't go to a social event for the same reason.


I couldn't even maintain true NC because my ex had a package delivered here. How that happens when he changed his address at the post office, I don't know.


Now I'm feeling better and looking forward to a better week ahead.



dreamingoftigers, leandro, RoseT, Gdunkman, cerridwen, 0hpenelope, coltsfan1, screwball, Duckduckgoose - did you make more progress than me? (I hope I didn't miss anyone.)


GreenPolicy, BlindRage, KYoung2200, and smilesalot1 - we're waiting... :)

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dreamingoftigers, leandro, RoseT, Gdunkman, cerridwen, 0hpenelope, coltsfan1, screwball, Duckduckgoose - did you make more progress than me? (I hope I didn't miss anyone.)


I did pretty good - nice having a long weekend :). I did some electrical, drywall, and got most of the house painted. Just have one ceiling left, which I hope to get to tonight. Moved out all the old master bedroom furniture (just need to get a dumpster brought to the house) and started refinishing an old dresser for my "new" master bedroom. On track to get two rooms squared away to be able to be rented by February. Going to talk to coworkers tomorrow who are more tied into the social scene to see if anyone is looking or will be looking for a place to stay.


Ordered GRE study books from amazon.


On a related note - having the house completed re-organized with new bedroom furniture is great! Doesn't feel a thing like when my ex lived here. Hopeful and excited for the future :D

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I think this is a great post. It's great to see everyone's goals. Unfortunately, I'm not as far along as everyone here seems to be. If I can make it out of the house at least once a day, I'm doing really well. :)

My short-term goals are to do something active for an hour a day

Meditate for 10 minutes every day and journal my thoughts

Spend time with friends at least 2 x's per week


I know, they sound lame, but baby steps ...

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I love this thread, it helps us hold ourselves accountable as well.

Since my ex broke up with me a week and a half ago after 6 years and we still have to live together for the next three weeks, some of these goals might have to wait until I'm completely on my own but here it goes;


1. Finish the final 2 mgmt classes that I put on hold right after he decided he needed to "think". Only 2 more to go then I have my degree!


2. Make my very 1st place of my own, my own.


3. Forget about the Italy trip my ex an I had planned together and go on a beach vaca with the girls!


4. Get in shape again, perfect bikini body here I come!


5. Not be afraid to open up to new people after all this is said and done.


That's it for now, small start but I have to start somewhere.

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1. Learn French. I already speak Italian and another European language would really boost my CV and my options.

2. Join a sports club and exercise at least twice a week.

3. Socialise outside my comfort zone.

4. Meet more expats / foreigners in my city to broaden my mind.

5. In general, say YES to more activities in groups, whether that's just going for organised drinks or to more structured events.

6. Speak to at least one stranger every day.


Hi D78!


Well, they're not going too bad!


1. Have found out details of a French course that starts in Feb. Need to go for a test next week!

2. Have been out on my bike and taking long walks so excercising at least twice a week.

3. Going to clubs instead of staying home, going to church, inviting friends of friends to go for a coffee if I end up in their neighbourhood! This is helping loads, I now have three invites for dinners / outings with new friends / a concert this week

4. Am introducing an American girl I met out to my friendship group this week as she's new in the city and wants to make new friends

5. Have plans for the next four nights. Not saying no to any interesting outings / suggestions!

6. This is easy and pretty rewarding!

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On a related note - having the house completed re-organized with new bedroom furniture is great! Doesn't feel a thing like when my ex lived here. Hopeful and excited for the future :D


Wow! You've taken the re-decorating concept a step further and remodeled! ;) What a great way to help expunge her presence from your life.

A nice clean slate. Well done screwball!

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My short-term goals are to do something active for an hour a day

Meditate for 10 minutes every day and journal my thoughts

Spend time with friends at least 2 x's per week


I know, they sound lame, but baby steps ...


I love your goals actually. You're taking care of your mind (meditation), body (activity), and heart (friendships). Pretty important stuff if you ask me.

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2. Make my very 1st place of my own, my own.


It would be great if you post in the future about what you did specifically.

I'm all ears.


It's interesting to hear what people put in their homes that brings them happiness. Some people have shelves and shelves of books. Others love minimalism. Repainting a wall, introducing lots of plants, there's all kinds of things that reflect a person's personality.

Update when you can!

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One goal I have is to get scuba certified. I plan on doing it this spring!


That's cool. What do you have to do to get certified? Is it a class?

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Original Goals:

No visiting Memory Lane--no looking back. ((Done well with this in terms of fond memories))

Finish the five books on my nightstand. ((One down))

Begin to learn yoga. ((Injured my foot and can barely walk))

Visit the Y three times before Monday. ((Injury prevents exercise))

Fill my refrigerator with healthy food. ((I've gained about 6 lbs))

Re-subscribe to InStyle. ((Done))

Reload my ipod with new dance music. ((Haven't needed bc I can't exercise))

Touch base with every friend I love and let them know. ((Still need to contact 5))

Be more thoughtful to those around me and give them the love I gave my ex. ((Been kinda eh with this. Can do better.))



  • Suffered a SERIOUS bout of guilt that almost had me break NC. Cried harder than I had over this b/u. Have to dig deep and accept my responsibility for things. Then, let it go. I can tell I'm starting to strap on the guilt in the morning and carrying it throughout the day.

Edited by cerridwen
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Hey Everybody!


I am 100% recovered from my cold. It looks like I have a busy two weeks ahead of me to get all this stuff done. My goals are all out-of-whack because I've decided to get my new office earlier than March (I want to move in on Feb 1).


And, I have been wanting to do this other thing for a long time (5 years). I didn't think I could, so it wasn't on my list. The other day I decided to try, and I did it. It wasn't even hard. Why can't I remember to not be afraid of things? :)


January 11, 2011 (a great day to start) - February 7, 2011:

- attend at least two group social functions (meetup groups count) and talk with at least two people at each function;

- write at least one article for my work blog;

- fix website SEO issues and catch up on other work;

- save money for office you were about to rent when you were dumped;

- read at least three books; (READ TWO)

- eat at least one meal at a restaurant alone;

- learn how to play at least one new song very well; (DID IT)

- finish remodeling front half of house (not too much left, so this isn't as challenging as it might sound);

- exercise six days per week (three days cardio mostly biking if able, 2 days strength or cross-training, and one day yoga); (DOING IT)

- eat at least twice a day, and drink protein shakes to make up for the food I didn't eat. (DID IT 50% OF THE TIME)

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  • Suffered a SERIOUS bout of guilt that almost had me break NC. Cried harder than I had over this b/u. Have to dig deep and accept my responsibility for things. Then, let it go. I can tell I'm starting to strap on the guilt in the morning and carrying it throughout the day.

Yes, excellent step to take! Any opportunity that we have to fix any of that stuff is now gone since they left us. :mad: I'm sure he did some stuff to you that merit an apology, too.

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I've built many snowmen in my life, even a snowhouse once, so I'll set some other goals. This year I want to:

A. Graduate from uni, it must be in February

B. Travel to India

C. Move to Montreal

D. Go mountainbiking and snowboarding in Quebec

E. I expect to meet a lot of new people, my goal would be 30.


A. Working on it, it can be done next week.

B. Two more friends joined our team, there are four of us now, and I'm a group leader, as Im the only one who travelled to India before. Met indian guy in a hostel, who gave me some sightseeing instructions.

C. Got a canadian permanent residence visa last week, met with a guy we plan to rent an apartment with.

D. I'm going to work on it after moving to Montreal.

E. I don't count online contacts, I met 2 people this month for real and developed friendly relations with 2 more. 30 people per year won't be hard.


I think I have to think about more goals, as I will hopefully reach A and B within a month.

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That's cool. What do you have to do to get certified? Is it a class?


yep, you do some in class training, then some in a pool then an open water dive. Then you're certified! I can't wait.

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