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Hey Everyone - Wanna Set GOALS with Me?

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A. Working on it, it can be done next week.

B. Two more friends joined our team, there are four of us now, and I'm a group leader, as Im the only one who travelled to India before. Met indian guy in a hostel, who gave me some sightseeing instructions.

C. Got a canadian permanent residence visa last week, met with a guy we plan to rent an apartment with.

D. I'm going to work on it after moving to Montreal.

E. I don't count online contacts, I met 2 people this month for real and developed friendly relations with 2 more. 30 people per year won't be hard.


I think I have to think about more goals, as I will hopefully reach A and B within a month.


Gdunkman - awesome. It sounds like you're well on your way. Do you have any tips for meeting new people in real life? I seem to have forgotten how to do this :)

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here are my short term goals for the year.


1. get a part time job and work my full time job

2. save up 4 grand

3. get my a+ cert.

4. move out of my parents house

5. sell my motorcycle and buy a different motorcycle

6. and the most important is get my finances squared away


Coltsfan1, how goes it? Have you sold your motorcycle yet?


@OhPenelope, thanks for the understanding. You're always a source of comfort. Have you started your job search?


@Gdunkman I'm considering an invitation to visit Nepal. Going would be WAY outside my comfort zone but I'm inspired by your India visit.

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@OhPenelope, thanks for the understanding. You're always a source of comfort. Have you started your job search?

:D That's great! I think it's interesting how internet strangers can care more about each other than our exes do about us, but well... they wanted out. Here's the space they so desire. Take it! :lmao::lmao:


I have started my job search! Got one call back, but I wanted to share that I'm trying out for my desired Masters program one semester earlier! :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny: Get me outta here! Apparently some of the programs I'm looking at haven't met their student quotas yet, so some of them have started to accept rolling applications until all spots have been filled. This is the most reckless, best thing I've done in a long time because I really thought I'd have to wait for Fall 2012 deadlines as I missed most deadlines for Fall 2011 already, but... it's hard to ignore that some are still accepting applications because their program isn't full yet!!!


Why should I not try for it? There is no good reason to not try! :cool::cool::cool:


I want this so badly. I really hope I get in somewhere. This... This endeavor is worth hoping for!!! Hope is a good thing, guys. :) Also, I love how my problem now - as in, the present moment - is how to write my freaking grad school essay. I love this problem! Forget the ex! Yay writer's block!

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Short term goals for this year:


1. Get CNA certification so I can have a job again

2. Improve myself through counselling and hard work (this is short and long term)

3. Get out and meet new people, be it through the SCA, church, new friends, whatever.

4. Keep up with the exercise... hell I do that anyway.

5. Train my new cockatiel Goober, and let her train Skippy (other cockatiel) to be more accepting of new foods.

6. Take a vacation if I can afford it. Its been a while and I really could use one.

7. Re-decorate MY apartment and clean the stains the stbxH left on the carpet from his boots.


Update to this:


Should be taking CNA classes within a month. All my pre-requisites have now been met :D


Still attending counselling and divorce care, and Sunday School


Meeting new people slowly. Got one guy that follows me around like a lost puppy. Cute but kind of sad. Not interested. Going to a Superbowl Party next week... should be lots of people there.


Been exercising, looking for new places to do so, as I can meet new people that way.


Goober will now step up, is learning to handshake, lets me examine her wings without biting, is getting better about coming out of the cage on her own (I hate grabbing her but she doesn't fight me when I do anymore). She also is coming to me for head scratches... but she will also jump in my face if she wants something. Not having much luck getting Goober to teach Skippy what to eat. But Goober will eat Skippy's food (pellets) pretty easily...good because I hated training Skippy to eat pellets, it was nerve-wrecking. Goober is much smarter than Skippy.


Vacation? Tenatative Mardi Gras plans. Been 16 years since I last went (I was a pre-teen then)


Redecorating slowly. Get the money to do so little by little. The birds try to redecorate with seeds, feathers, dust, occasional poops, throwing their toys around, and tearing toys up that can't be thrown. Been cleaning after them a lot. Got a beautiful puzzle to assemble and frame, just need a mat to assemble it on. I would really like a Celtic Cross tapestry to put on my wall next to the TV. Some of the St. Patrick's Day decorations at Hobby Lobby and other craft stores are tempting.


Goal: To be able to hoist my mountain bike up and down the stairs so I can get a trunk rack for my car and start mountain biking on my own for a while.

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...Why should I not try for it? There is no good reason to not try! :cool::cool::cool:


I want this so badly. I really hope I get in somewhere. This... This endeavor is worth hoping for!!! Hope is a good thing, guys. :) Also, I love how my problem now - as in, the present moment - is how to write my freaking grad school essay. I love this problem! Forget the ex! Yay writer's block!





Congrats! You are in the perfect situation - if you get accepted, bonus; if you don't get accepted, you can go next fall, like you were planning to anyways.


Good luck on the grad school essay and job search!

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Gdunkman - awesome. It sounds like you're well on your way. Do you have any tips for meeting new people in real life? I seem to have forgotten how to do this :)


Yeah, pretty over ex relations at the moment. I couldn't understand how is it possible not to think about your ex for a day, as I wasn't able not to think about her for an hour. NC made it's work, and I'm over her.


I stayed in a hostel for 4 days during a trip, so I met two great guys there, and I met a girl at my friend's party yesterday, she is perfect and seems to be interested in me, I'm not sure what to do, as I leave the country soon.

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Update to this:


Redecorating slowly. Get the money to do so little by little. The birds try to redecorate with seeds, feathers, dust, occasional poops, throwing their toys around, and tearing toys up that can't be thrown. Been cleaning after them a lot. Got a beautiful puzzle to assemble and frame, just need a mat to assemble it on. I would really like a Celtic Cross tapestry to put on my wall next to the TV. Some of the St. Patrick's Day decorations at Hobby Lobby and other craft stores are tempting.


This strategy is working. I've been spending less time thinking of my ex and more time becoming a better me.


Duckduckgoose, I bought a new sofa in a different color, gave away a lot of bric-a-brac and have streamlined my place. Feels good. Like a fresh start. Keep your redecorating going!


My Russian is awesome! At least to me. Native speakers take pity on me and are wonderfully polite in correcting my pronunciation.

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Well...my update goes like this: I made zero progress. It's not all my fault, as this place froze on Tuesday and is still frozen. I've only left the house once, so I didn't get my office or go to social events.


I am still working out and I've been eating twice a day on most days. I RSVP'd to 5 meetup events in February, so I will have plenty to do when the Metroplex defrosts!


I realized I can listen to Kamakawiwo'ole's "Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" without crying, but that wasn't really one of my goals :)


Good luck everyone!

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Just booked my flights! Russia and Germany for two weeks. Wish it could be longer but work didn't permit. Excited doesn't begin to describe how I felt confiming that booking.


Started house hunting today as well - so at least I've started that one. Going on atleast one date this year still hasn't come up. :p


I am hitting the town tonight for the first time this year so who knows.

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Just booked my flights! Russia and Germany for two weeks. Wish it could be longer but work didn't permit. Excited doesn't begin to describe how I felt confiming that booking.


Started house hunting today as well - so at least I've started that one.



Russia?! Lucky.

Set a goal to learn some German (unless you already do)!

In terms of difficulty, I hear it's moderately hard.

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Well...my update goes like this: I made zero progress. It's not all my fault...


I'm in the same boat D.

Been laid up because of a foot injury.

Wrestled with A LOT of guilt over my part in the breakup.

Got off track for the last week or so and lost motivation.

Now, I'm re-engaging.


Updated goals:

Keep practicing my Russian

Get the book How to Read a Modern Painting from C.

Let the guilt go

Finish The Wisdom of the Enneagram

Be patient as my foot heals

Keep eating organic

Start saving for Nepal

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Just booked my flights! Russia and Germany for two weeks. Wish it could be longer but work didn't permit. Excited doesn't begin to describe how I felt confiming that booking...


Yay! Thanks for the update, PowerOfOne. Wow - 2 weeks! You're going to have an awesome time. Update us when you return, ПожалуйÑта <-- okay seriously, I typed "please" into my translator program, asked for an English to Russian translation, but I suspect it's incorrect... I tried.


Update us when you return, Bitte.

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Haha. I'm going to make a solid effort to learning a bit of Russian before I go. From what I've seen so far 'ПожалуйÑта' makes just as much sense! For all I know you're probably right on the money.


My mum's family is Dutch and I can generally pick up what the conversation is about if all the family are together. German isn't hugely removed I don't think so i'm not too worried about that. Russian on the other hand.... 0_o

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...Be patient as my foot heals...


Ugh.. cerridwen... I truly feel your pain. I was a soccer/volleyball/gymnastics/softball player until age 13. My life has been a series of sprains, ligament tears, over-extensions, etc. Even after I had to stop playing sports, I injured myself. From approx Sept 2009 to Aug 2010, my ankle was soooo messed up (slightly torn ligaments). I injured it in Sept 2009, and as soon as it healed I injured it again.


It's great that you've set goals that you can meet without walking too much (reading books, reaching out to others, being more versed in Russian, etc.). I didn't have goals, so I got very listless and bummed. It seemed like my inability to walk got in the way of everything I wanted to do.


If you have crutches, they are great upper body strengtheners and will help prepare you for the more advanced yoga moves you will encounter once healed (and they will make turning pages and dialing numbers effortless). Also, most discount stores have great, lightweight canes that make life much easier with a leg/foot injury.


One time I saw a young (18 year old) girl at the gym. She appeared very fit. She was using this machine that was basically a bicycle for arms. I realized she couldn't move from the waist down. I was grateful for my dumb ankle injury.


I don't know if any of this helps. At least you know someone here understands the frustration you're experiencing, wishes she could help, and looks forward to hearing of your recovery.

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Hey northern_sky. Thanks for joining the thread!


I feel kinda dumb saying this, but until I started this thread, I had never decided on my goals, put my goals on paper, and followed through with those goals. I'm amazed at how motivating the whole thing was. I hope you have the same experience.


...I am starting small and moving inch by inch forward...


I did the same. One of my goals (which I'm still working on) is just to eat like I should be eating. One of the most basic aspects of life... ugh!


So, do you already have a screenplay that will become your thesis film? Please forgive my complete ignorance if I totally screwed that up - the most I've ever filmed is 30 seconds of my niece playing with a slinky and it wasn't so great :)


Your goals flow together to make the next easier to accomplish. For example, being in good physical shape (does not have to be great), will give you more confidence, which leads to things like taking the driver's license test you know you will pass, which leads to more independence, which will help you move to NY and establish a career... I guess you get my point!


Good luck and we all look forward to your updates :)

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My biggest, longest-term goal, is to achieve financial independence. Not complete self-reliance (for example, I can be employed by someone else -- in fact, I kind of prefer it, if only because self-employment taxes sound like a PITA), but to know I can take care of myself and my son financially without needing a roommate or a spouse to share expenses with.


And since right now I'm working part-time at a Wal-Mart, I suspect that this is a really, really, long-term goal. :)

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All of your goals sound great. When are you going to start? :)


On a side note, was learning to fly scarier than learning to drive a car? I live near two small airports, and I could spend an entire night watching small planes land. I realize flying is statistically WAY safer than driving (especially where I live), but it seems like learning to fly would be terrifying.


Thanks for posting and keep us updated on your progress!

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Working part-time is a step on your way to financial independence. Do you have any ideas on how you can reach your goals?


Self-employment taxes are not so bad. I've been self employed for a little more than 3 years. One year I was (1) a regular employee, (2) self-employed, and (3) an independent contractor, all at different places. That was a pain. I won't do that again. But the regular self employment taxes are okay. If you enjoy being your own boss, it's a small price to pay.


Good luck!

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@D78--Thank you, Pal! Your tips are all helpful. I appreciate the support & understanding. I'm thinking 4 more days of bed rest. Stumble, LS, Stumble, email, LS, Stumble has been my daily routine. :o


@BarofSoap--Please, please, please update us. Flying is one of those things I only WISH I had the courage to do. Also, have you looked at the cost to Belfast? Check it out. This sounds like a very do-able goal. You'd have the experience of standing where the Titanic was built. No one would ever be able to take that experience away from you. What a great thing to always look back on.


@Northern_Sky--I am a big fan of movies but know little about the technical workings of them. So, I'm impressed with your talents :love:.

Don't spare us details of your progress. It's fascinating.


@Olivia1966--Your goal really resonates with me. I have INTENSE anxiety around money. Hence, I haven't learned what I should about it. If you find certain books helpful, or pick up tips along the way, could you share them? I'd really appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey LSers,


Are the goal-setters feeling better?


This thread helped pull me out of a pretty bad place. Now, I'm achieving goals I didn't know I had, and many of my original goals are pointless. For example, although my appetite is not back to normal, I finally have the discipline to make myself eat twice a day (thank you 0hpenelope).


And, I realized the bike riding thing was not going to work for me, as I will never ever have the attention span required to ride 100 miles on my bike. Now I ride for fun, but exercise at the gym.


I am reentering my life, and not just virtually. It seems like I'm not alone, as this thread has been quiet.


So, goal-setters, do you think this thread should fade into page 10? Is it an ex-parrot, or should we keep it alive?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I planned to make 2011 'my year.' The idea was, my career should finally be in a place where I can actually do something fun! Seriously folks, the last time I went on a vacation was when I drove to Austin to be sworn in... and I don't think that counts. I let that idea fly out the window when I got dumped, but I think I'm taking it back. So, sometime this year I will:

1. Buy a new car, preferably in June.

2. Go on a vacation (maybe in my new ride!).


So as far as my old goals go:

1. I've been to two social things, which is good for me because I'm terrible at meeting new people. I have another thing scheduled for tomorrow night.

2. I did something I was afraid to do. It turned out okay.

3. I have read 2 books.

4. I have learned 4 new songs.

5. I have finished painting the front of the house, and only have my bedroom remaining. I re-arranged my furniture in my bedroom, finally.

6. My exercise has not been going well because my "all healed up" wrist was not so all healed up after all, and I have to start physical therapy on Monday. After a few sessions, I hope to have a better idea of what I can do without further hurting my wrist.


My work has suffered the most, so March is the month I begin to make up for my slacking. This includes writing for my work blog, and fixing my website's SEO issues.


So, dreamingoftigers, Leandro, RoseT, Gdunkman, abust1, cerridwen, 0hpenelope, coltsfan1, screwball, Duckduckgoose, Kansas, brneyedgrl, marqueemoon4, PowerOfOne, and Olivia1966, any updates? BarofSoap and northern_sky also posted, but I can't find their posts so I don't know what that means (maybe I bugged them and they put me on a list?). If they are still following this thread, please feel free to update everyone on your progress. And, as always, anyone new can post goals at anytime!

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Status of last set of goals:


  • Keep practicing my Russian (met :bunny:)


  • Let the guilt go from the breakup (met :bunny:)


  • Finish The Wisdom of the Enneagram (not met. Started reading Jonathan Franzen's Freedom instead. Soooo good.)


  • Keep eating organic (mostly met)


  • Start saving for Nepal (met:bunny:)

New set of goals--Continuing the progress:


  • Continue with Russian!
  • Bring my lunches to work so I eat healthier!
  • Take restorative yoga classes!
  • Start re-taking A.D.D. medication to help focus on work!
  • Let go of the friends that take more than they give!
  • Nurture the friendships with those that reciprocate!
  • Keep giving love to people in my sphere of influence!
  • Continue with the enneagram!
  • For Pete's sake, clean out my closet!

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Status of last set of goals:


  • Keep practicing my Russian (met :bunny:)


  • Let the guilt go from the breakup (met :bunny:)


  • Finish The Wisdom of the Enneagram (not met. Started reading Jonathan Franzen's Freedom instead. Soooo good.)


  • Keep eating organic (mostly met)


  • Start saving for Nepal (met:bunny:)

New set of goals--Continuing the progress:


  • Continue with Russian!
  • Bring my lunches to work so I eat healthier!
  • Take restorative yoga classes!
  • Start re-taking A.D.D. medication to help focus on work!
  • Let go of the friends that take more than they give!
  • Nurture the friendships with those that reciprocate!
  • Keep giving love to people in my sphere of influence!
  • Continue with the enneagram!
  • For Pete's sake, clean out my closet!


That's so awesome. You inspire me :) The closet one is difficult...


So, do you think this word is really 'please' in Russian? ПожалуйÑта

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That's so awesome. You inspire me :) The closet one is difficult...


So, do you think this word is really 'please' in Russian? ПожалуйÑта


I think "please" is actually spelled "Ħ##\‡§∆" ;).


Thanks for reviving this thread, D! You inspire ME.

What do you mean by you "learned 4 new songs"? On an instrument?

Would you recommend any of the books you read?

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