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Flirty girl ruining lives of all friends in our circle

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Originally posted by dyermaker



The only behavior you can control is your own, sadly. This girl is NOT an axe murderer. You choose to be threatened.



I didn't get the impression she feels threatened. As a woman, I am not interested in constantly seeing another woman showing me her body parts even without men around. And to be honest, I would get annoyed if some guy was doing it too. Do you watch Survivor? Would you be interested in having a friend like Richard Hatch who was constantly whipping off his shorts in front of you and your friends? LOL. It wouldn't entice me to be around him!

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i do think you have a right to be upset at this woman, and freeze her out socially. i am glad you are doing so. i'm even happier that your guy heard your needs and can respond to them: that's great communication.


honestly, i was surprised by how many ribald insults this woman is collecting in the thread - it does suggest a threatened response. i'm only speaking from my own experience, but my bfs have always responded better to reason untainted by gendered insults, as have i.

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I know this was written a very long time ago but i can't help wondering


did you happen to see with your very own eyes that she was not wearing underwear...panties specifically


i would really like to know because i'm wondering if the men are making all of this up...after all, they are the only witnesses


most women show cleaveage these days so i think your full of it on that count


if it were me i would take her aside and tell her that the men are saying she's not wearing underwear...is it really true? and what for a response.


I wouldn't check mind you


but i hope you are getting my drift here...i absolutely find it unbelievable that a woman woudl do something like that


i fear that the men are playing a joke on all of you


possibly they are making wild accusations and exagerrating heavily because men find it fun to agitate women about other women

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