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why do girls not respond to text messages sent to them?


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Texting me is kind of like - low level communication. It's good for everyone, anyone can text me about anything and I don't mind. If someone wants to get out of that level with me, to step it up, then they call, or call to hang out. it's not a huge step up, but a step. It's also easy to ignore a text and get away with it, which is probably why you have questions lol. Like did she hear it, or did it skip over from someone else's text, did she get it, was the phone on silent or dead? If you really want to know, then you can take it up to next level and find out and/or get the hint :p Sometimes it hurts. As a girl, ignored texts/calls don't discriminate. Sometimes I honestly ignore a text because I gave my number so the guy would leave me alone. I'm sorry. I appreciate the persistence, but sometimes they won't take a "no". Or I'll ask for theirs instead, or sometimes I'll say a definitive no, but they take out their phone and call me on the spot so it's "easier" to get our numbers. That's not fair :( lol All of the sudden I've misplaced my phone :p But ya there's plenty girls out there, just keep trying and have fun with it.

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Hey, im just curious as why do girls not respond to text messages, it seems as if its coded in their DNA . Like for instance, why is it that if i get a girls number alot of times they simply never even respond to my message and i just leave it at that. Or alot of times they'll respond and seem interested and then stop texting.


Ive always figured it was because they do not want to talk to me anymore because obviously if i were of any significance they would respond as im sure they have responded to others in the time period that i texted them, they just simply look over it.


Which is probably the case but idk i just wanted some others input on the subject. :p



Because they are not interested. Period.

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I really enjoy texting and most of my friends do too.

She may not be interested. If texting is a big means of communication for you and not so big a deal for her, then this could be a problem. Why put yourself through that heartbreak? Cut losses, leave.

Try meet other people!

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