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Is this a good sign? And How do i not get too caught up in it?

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Hi so i volunteer with this guy one to two times a week. I am currently on holidays for 3 weeks and so i haven't seen him since new years eve when i stopped in to say hi to everyone. Anyway the night we met at our christmas party for the volunteers our eyes met and all evening we kept doing the eye contact thing. Since then when we are working together there seems to be an attraction and good vibes. I like him a lot and he has showed good signs but i get the vibe we are both shy. So anyway i messaged him on myspace today. I figured if no reply then at least i know. He actually replied literally in 3 minutes! It was friendly, a decent length and he asked me two questions. I replied and he replied again then i replied then nothing.. Now i hate this because i feel like i am in limbo. Did i say something wrong or put glow off? He has read the last message which i did leave open but still? Lol arg! Is it good he replied? How do i not let this consume me. I am fine with slowly getting to know him but its the uncertainty as to what he even thinks of me. Any opinions? thanks.

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Thanks for your reply. Was just a little excited to hear back from him so fast. He Is the first guy i have had any real attraction to since my ex and i broke up in march. Any its not looking good. He did message me again the night i posted this question. He said He wanted to know my opinion on wether facebook or myspace Is better as he Is new to it all. He told me he wants to get some music out there for people to hear and comment on. I replied that facebook Is really popular now and that it Would be a great tool to share his music. I then asked what music he does. No reply but i know he read it. So now today his profile Is deleted.


i am so confused. His messages were nice and they were decent length with questions etc i hope i didn't freak him out! Will it be weird when i see him at volunteering?

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Ok i really need some thoughts on this. Apologies for sounding a bit airy fairy in my other posts. I am just so unsure where i stand!


when i sent him the dfirst message he replied very quickly and it was indepth and he asked me How i was doing etc. i was really happy when he initiated a message to me late that night asking for my opinion on something. He knows i love music and mentioned he wanted to share his online somehow so i dont see How asking about his music could have scared him off.


he Is 38 and i am 26 and he definitely Is not concerned with the whole facebook myspace thing so im not surprised he delete his account as he had no friends added anyway. Maybe he felt silly?


does it sound like he Is interested at all? Or just being nice?


sorry to post again i guess i just am interested to hear thoughts on this. The tension between us when volunteering Is obvious. Its almost awkward because we dont know what to say to eachother but the looks and other things are there too.


also sorry for any typos. I am using my phone and its a bit fiddly.

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