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How should i react after this situation?

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Just like to hear any ideas or opinions on what I should do next after I discuss my situation with you. I had met this girl at my college and she is a boy magnet (you know the type) I began talking with her and teasing her to show that I am the exception from the many male friends she has. I thought it was working since she was hanging with me and laughing with me and stuff asking me why I am not nice as the other guys that I should be, oh well. Since she wasn't from my area I decide to take her out and show her around, but at the last minute she told me she may have to baby sit for her sister. So, I told her to call me when she is ready and she never did called.


The next day she told me that she had called (liar) and I said, "you did" then she said that she was just kidding. Because of that I ignore her for the rest of the day. Then in a conversation we were having she said that she doesn't want to get involve with any person in my area because it would destroy her life, so then I said ok well it was nice meting you and I will not be seeing her anymore and I would stay away from her. Then she said why and that she didn't know why I was doing this to her and she doesn't deserve this.


I told her what I like about her that I will miss and she said it will not work with her and to do what ever I feel is best. After that I end the conversation. IT was about 2 weeks she was ignoring me with her male friend. Then I decide to apologize for the way I broke off with her since she really help me with a lot of stuff like when I was down about not obtaining the grades to get in university she was encouraging me to come to a school in her area trying to make me feel better I guess. So I apologize and she said that she had already forgiven me already (Christian lady) and I ask her if she was mad. She said she was not made but upset that I didn't ask why she didn't want to get involve, because she doesn't want to start something that has no future.


I also told her that if someone made plans for you and you can’t make it at least called back and she said that our date wasn’t carve in stone but she will call me the next time. Then I said I will like to get together sometime and plus I miss her smile. She then told me she would let me see it again. But we don’t spend much time together as we did before. So I decide to ignore her for a while to see what she will do. The next day she ask me what she did wrong again and I replied nothing. So I said ok there is still sum interest. But all of a sudden she stops talking to me completely.


I don’t even see her on msn messenger for a week. I mean it feels so weird all of a sudden we were getting alone ok and then no more. I remember she sat next to me in that week and I ignore her again because I knew that she had block me on msn and when she had realize that I was not talking to her she look sort of upset but I am not sure since they were times she would laugh and stuff. But after that she wasn't talking to me only if I had talk to her. Sometimes I will catch her looking at me, but I shouldn’t take that seriously since she is with her male friend most of the time now that I am gone. But what has me confuse is that if I start a conversation with her and stuff even insight what is going on she would respond back and laugh at my jokes, and to me these are not the signs of a woman who doesn't like you anymore. I mean if she is not interested she should ignore me all together if I speak with her, not laugh when I laugh, etc. So, my question is “what should I do now.”


I know I should move on but when I met her face to face and stuff, since we are in the same class, what should I do? Confront her or just ignore her all together? Is she trying to tell me that she doesn't need something or me?


Right now I don't know if she is testing me to see if I will come on to her, she just don't care about me anymore, she has found someone else, or because I am an attractive person with the girls as well that she used me in some way. Any ideas will greatly be appreciated and is there a way to find out how she really feels about me with out acting like a wussy?


Sorry for the long story but I figured the honest information I gave the better you will understand since this is the first girl I have met and never thought about having sex with her but a really strong relationship, and plus I am feeling that my efforts trying not to be a wussy has what destroyed my chances with her. Thanks!

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doon't call her again, she is not interested. if she says no, she says no. onward: there are lots and lots of women out there. for now, just be polite but distant - say hello in the hall but keep walking.

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When she first lied to you (that she called) should have been the point that you turned the other way. If you are not a person that cannot tolerate lying and disappointment and you are not a liar/irresponsible yourself then don't bother with women like this. There are honest and responsible ones out there.

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