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CHANGE in my life....

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I can't seem to change my ways. With attempts of doing things that I would enjoy and just overall doing stuff to better myself just don't seem to be taking derastic change that is happening. I hate my life along with hate my family and hate where I live. I wish I can afford moving away. I wish I could just never speak to my mom ever again because she has mood swings and likes to take that out on me.


I hate myself. I hate being here and don't know where to turn. It seems like no one cares and I am just a huge disappointment. I hate myself.

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counselling, therapy... (i'm not even gonna bother put it into complete sentences)



PS drastic changes are a myth - people can only change very gradually.

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If you don't learn to be happy with yourself, inside of yourself, you will be miserable no matter where you are. Also, once you find the source of happiness within yourself, you will attract multitutudes of nice people and circumstances to yourself...some you never dreamed of. You can move anywhere in the world but you can't escape yourself.


Seek counselling or attend spiritual or other appropriate workshops to unlock the chains of your thought that bind you to misery. Free your mind of all the crap and your life will change in dramatic ways, no matter where you are or who's around.

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Is there a such thing as getting counselling for free? I would definitly do it if it is free just because the money situation is tight.

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Trying to remember - you're in school, right?


Surely the Student Affairs office could steer you in the right direction.

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Ok...just checked the profile......


Still check through your school. Also, house of worship (if applicable), YMCA/YWCA, even your county health department should be able to provide resources.

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I don't know about the U>S> but hear in Canada, if the situationis considered and emergency (suicide) couselling can be given immediatly and for free (exspecially if you are student). Otherwise it can be a very long waiting list and very costly.

If your in school whether it be highschool, or college I'm sure there must be a student guidance councellor that you can talk to or can steer you in the right direction. There is always help out there you just need to know where to look.

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she isnt in school. But there are probably free help places.




longlegz, you need to slowly change, start saving money so that you can move away, I think you need to see more of the world, then you will realize how much you have.



You are not a disapointment.

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That's why I suggested the others, DA - especially the city/county. Most know of free/low-fee counseling based on income.


Having been in school already, the alumni office might be useful.

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I am not even close to my college anymore. I am roughly 2 1/2 hours away. So, I am all for getting the help if the couselling is for no money or a very minimal amount. I just need a direction and counselling would probubly do it.

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so - do some research, see what's available for minimal $. call your doc's office; check the listings for psychologists and inquire; look for ads...


good luck,


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I hate my life too and I have a hard time getting myself motivated to trying to improve it.


I have come to the conclusion that I must not really want to change my life.

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I know change is a choice that you make for yourself, and yes, I want a change, but I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how I can make that happen where I get enough motivation to actually do something.

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Originally posted by longlegzs80

I know change is a choice that you make for yourself, and yes, I want a change, but I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how I can make that happen where I get enough motivation to actually do something.


in order to make change, you need motivation and a purpose. have you found yours yet longlegz?


How motivated you are, really depends on how badly you want to achieve a goal.


I think you need some time to think some things over...if you were in a financial situation i'd recommend going away and living on your own for half a yr or so or visit another country and find what you want out of life.


just some things to think over:


Do you want to stay in your comfort zone? are you happy with what you have?


Do you want more out of life, and experiencce as much as you can?? and as a reward, you'll receive personal growth which comes along with change. Which will broaden your perspective about everything and make you a more well rounded person.


Along the road many ppl are lost and really dont know what they want, such as this girl i met not too long ago which is in the same situation as you.


in the end it's the action you take that will make you who you are.

Do you want to stay in your shell or break out of it?


Often ppl break out of their old shell when they reach college and acquire brand spankin new experiences, this is the self-search stage of many ppl's life.

This was for my brother who lived in a dorm and on his own.

I have mine going on even tho i commute from home and live with parents.


You just have to find out what YOU really want out of life. and Decide how badly you want it. once you discover how badly you want it, i assure you, motivation will find its way to you.

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