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Idk I messed up

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I guess I'll post here since we are or were in that in between stage of being friends but More than friends, yet not going out. Anyways I hurt this girl pretty bad. I didn't mean to, I wasn' thinking and made a mistake. Things were pretty good, I thought we were close but now she won't even talk to me. Some ppl say she hates me and probably won't ever talk to me again. She's hurt me too by her words and actions after what happened, but I love her and would like to at least be friends and on a friendly basis. I dont want her to hate me and for us to at least be on talking terms. I feel Really guilty, not just about my mistake but also the high chance that I've lost her forever in my life-even as a friend or acquaintance. I've apologized and tried giving her space but who knows if that will work. How can I move forward and not feel so guilty? What if she doesn't forgive or talk to me? Idk what to do, maybe nc is the best way to go at least for a while to let her cool off

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