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what should i do i really need help


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[ok well there is this girl that i like a lot, and we talk and flirt all

the time. But i really cant tell if she likes me and i was just

wondering how could i tell if she l;ikes me or would want to go out with me.

is there way i could figure this out with out asking her straight out.

im kinda scared of rejection and if i ask her and she said no i dont

wanna lose a good friend so if u coud help me with this problem that would

be great thanks.

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Im having the same problem (see my post for more information). Usually what I've found out in the past is that if you ask them out and they say no and you don't keep going after her (until at least for awhile) she stays your friend. Otherwise, count on shaking/breaking a friendship.


Also, if she makes an effort to start conversations with you, you know she has some sort of interest in you. But you don't know for sure until this happens for awhile, say maybe a week or two.

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It really depends on the type of flirting you're doing. Is this flirting especially suggestive? Just keep an eye out for any 'signals' she might be trying to send with her body language, and the best way though - is actually asking her out - just about anywhere, for just about anything. I'm hoping that I'm right about the suggestive flirting and body language for personal reasons too - because if it does, then the girl I'm after at the moment is crazy about me too. Especially after tonight and all the signs I think she's sending. :)

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Hey Romeo, I hope you asked her out! Or do you just groove on really extended, monthlong "foreplay" before dates?

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i said if i was with her id ask her out. over a text message..

she said "next time your down here wel c k"


generally youll get a better responce if they have to make the the decision right there and now :)

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Just get to know her and ask in person. After a class just ask to speak to her for a sec, move away from the crowd subtly and then ask her out.

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if you dont try you wouldnt know what happen. you may spend the rest of your life kicking yourself asking why you didnt ask her out. you dont want to spend the rest of your life kicking yourself wanting to know.

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Originally posted by SoleMate

Hey Romeo, I hope you asked her out! Or do you just groove on really extended, monthlong "foreplay" before dates?


Wish I could say I did - but I can't. :( Wish I knew how to get over it too - but I'm just so nervous about asking her out - and am very inexperienced when it comes to this kind of thing. Heck, I can't even bring myself to ask her for a measely slow dance let alone to go out. And it felt so much like she wanted me to slow dance with her this past weekend - but I just sat there looking at her, and she didn't come over to me either.

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Somebody else is using this saying as a sig. It's one of my favourites:


Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream...

Mark Twain

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