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Tony, what ya think?

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I have been in romantic love with a female for 6 months, but I could not even imagine this would happen. Now I am confused as to what I feel, I PRAY to GOD its temporary, I started thinking of her someone very DEAR, I love her, but I lost the spark, cause of one incident we had,,,,,well, dont wanna get into it, now maybe i am attributing this to that one incident,but just want to know, is it possible to get back in romntic mood that i was in with her, or just accept the fact, and keep her in my heart as whatever i feel for her now,,,like very dear friend.....I am terrified, but one thing that pacifies my mind is that I will always care for her,,and call her to check whats up with her


whats up with me??? is it possible, or its just some temporary thing,,,,that i will get over with?

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People fall in and out of love all the time for all kinds of reasons. Love is a decision. When whatever happened happened, you made the decision to change your feelings. As times passes, those feelings can certainly come back. If they don't they weren't meant to be.


Love is extremely fragile. For some, it doesn't take much for the spark to go. Others are able to carry that fire for another person throughout their lives.


If you have the will to be in love with this lady, your feelings of being in love can return. If you do not have the will for that to happen, it won't.


Love is not the magical thing so many people make it to be. It happens because we make the decision to make it happen. When two people make that decision at approximately the same time, wow...what a great thing it can be.


It only takes one person to make a decision to fall out of love and it's all over. In your case, there's lots of hope since you want it to come back.

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