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My mom hates my bf! !?


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my mom never liked my bf from the beginning. She met him only once for like 10 min. and that was the only chance she ever gave him. My mom doesn't like him bc he use to be a heroin addict and experimented w. drugs in high school and basically went down the wrong road and hung out w the wrong crowd but he's clean now and it took him alot of time. I didnt meet him until he had been clean for a while but he was still going through the process of recovery..My bf told me about his situation and how he wanted a clean and sober life etc. But my mom found out more dirt about his past and i appreciate my mom so much for being there for me but should i know every detail about his past? so therefore she thinks he's a liar bc he didnt tell me everything.. The truth is he's a good guy w. a good heart, he has learned from his mistakes and we are both 21. i'm about to graduate and go into OT school(health care) and he is going back to school to hopefully pursue and engineering degree.

There had been a lot of other stuff that had gone on between him and I like he told me once he was going to take my mom to court bc of all the stuff she found out about him etc..but in my eyes he's just immature and was saying stuff like that bc he was mad and frusterated bc of the strain his past had been on our relationship. my mom has told me multiple times that she doesnt feel like hes a safe person to be around and she will never let him into her life or my families. so it's really hard for me bc i see him as a great guy who made a bad decisions and i believe all people deserve 2nd chances..

he treats me really well and opens doors for me, takes me out frequently, really sweet guy, treats me like a princess , he carries my books very chilvarous.. i just dont know what to do anymore..

please help..

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I do hope that you can understand why your mother is so concerned?


He was a past junkie for God's sake. Ever heard the saying "cheetahs never change their spots?". This may apply here. You maybe too love struck by him to really appreciate your mum's concerns which I think is valid.


You have to be very careful with him because the reality is, he's not your 'normal' guy. Addicts tend to be people who have baggage and just because they're not on the gear, it doesn't mean they're problem free. That is of concern to you because it maybe potentially harmful to you in emotional, financial, and possibly physical ways.


This is what your mum is probably worried sick about.


But on the flip side, making decisions with your head can potentially rob you of wonderful experiences if you had chosen to follow your heart. Maybe your bf is this shining beacon of light and goodness, all he needed was hope. That hope could be you but don't hold your breath.


Be smart, observant, and careful. Personally I think there's nothing wrong with giving the guy a chance, but only you have the sense of knowing enough is enough. If it is becoming too apparent that he's more trouble than he's worth, back out. Are you capable of doing that?

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I do hope that you can understand why your mother is so concerned?


He was a past junkie for God's sake. Ever heard the saying "cheetahs never change their spots?". This may apply here. You maybe too love struck by him to really appreciate your mum's concerns which I think is valid.


You have to be very careful with him because the reality is, he's not your 'normal' guy. Addicts tend to be people who have baggage and just because they're not on the gear, it doesn't mean they're problem free. That is of concern to you because it maybe potentially harmful to you in emotional, financial, and possibly physical ways.


This is what your mum is probably worried sick about.


But on the flip side, making decisions with your head can potentially rob you of wonderful experiences if you had chosen to follow your heart. Maybe your bf is this shining beacon of light and goodness, all he needed was hope. That hope could be you but don't hold your breath.


Be smart, observant, and careful. Personally I think there's nothing wrong with giving the guy a chance, but only you have the sense of knowing enough is enough. If it is becoming too apparent that he's more trouble than he's worth, back out. Are you capable of doing that?

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How did your BF get off drugs? It is important to know how he did that. Addictive personalities are called that because once they conquer one addiction they "find" another, unless they were able to find (and deal with) the root cause of their addiction.

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