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How to keep your Girlfriend/Wife Happy - Question for Females

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I know i can find thousands of articles, but to make it simple i am opening this question to all the Girls here to let me know what do you expect from a guy as a girlfriend and what do you expect from a guy as a wife. What makes you all happy?


How do i keep my girlfriend happy?

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If you have to ask us, and can't or won't ask her... I say that is your first mistake.


Perhaps you need to work on communication skills..

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Find out what she's passionate about and support her in it no matter how silly you think it is.


When she she's acting crazy, put her in check


Have long term goals, and plans for the future


When you fail at something don't give in, keep trying


Have fun with her and have fun without her, don't be ashamed to say you had a blast with your friends last night even though she wasn't there, and will probably react negatively to it


When she's emotional be her hero, or savior. Do not tell her the way she feels is wrong, even if she is reacting the wrong way. Don't cry along with her either.


Make sex the last thing on your mind, and it will be the first on hers, honestly :)


Arguing is a form of communication, if you don't argue anymore, beware!!!


Rub her back just to rub her back, not to have sex.


If you appealing to other women, your appealing to your GF/wife because we always want what other people want.


Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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-a partner that is independent and has his own projects and gives me some space for mine.

- no traditionally informed, rigid gender roles.

- genuine and positive outlook on life.


That goes a long way for me.

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