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the infamous Emps

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the infamous Emps

I figure talking to other girls will help me get over Judy so here's my question, I'm pretty charming but I still don't know how to break the ice with a girl. "Hi my name is Emps. How are you?" doesn't seem to cut it sometimes.How can I talk to a girl I don't know without getting mercilessly shot down? I use to be the man at this and all the time I wasted on Judy's dumb ass I've become rustier than a bike in the rain. All I need is a phat opening line that'll keep 'em interested and I can take it from there.






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I wouldn't use a really cute opening line. I'd just walk up to a lady and say hello, nice to see you here, hope to see you around later...and walk off. Stop by 15 or 20 minutes later...she'll be dying to talk to you. It works every time, especially with really beautiful ladies. They aren't used to guys walking away from them like that. Their curiosity goes wild. You just have to have patience but it's foolproof.


The absolute most golden way to meet ladies is to make friends with some females. All women have lady friends. Get into a circle of ladies you are just friends with and you will meet a legion of nice, available ladies as a result. In my younger days, I used to meet beautiful ladies by the dozens this way. I had my choice all the time. They all knew me, they knew I was a decent guy, they had the word of their friends I wasn't some mass murderer so I had their trust.


Another GREAT method of meeting ladies is to go out with a lady who is a true platonic friend. Buy her dinner first as a token of appreciation. Let her "bird dog" for you. When you spot a lady you'd like to meet, tell her. She goes and strikes up a conversation with the girl, gets all the necessary info, and let's her know she's with a guy who would like to meet her. She will either open the door for you...or ascertain that it's closed.


Taking the direct approach is always good but be prepared for some rejection, mostly by the ones you really wouldn't want to know anyway. I don't buy this crap about the ladies are just out for a night with the girls and they don't want to be bothered. If a lady is at a club, she is there to meet guys, take my word for it. So just be cool, introduce yourself, and ask her a harmless question about herself.


A lot of the most beautiful heterosexual girls go out to gay bars with their friends so they won't get hassled. Take a female friend with you and go to a classy gay bar. You can usually tell where the group of straight ladies are. They have usually been there a while, are about to make it out to some other places where they can catch a few straight guys...that;s when you pop up. Of course, you have to be pretty good to pull this off...but I used to do a great job with this one.


Just be confident, be prepared for some rejection and go for it. There are just so many ways to meet ladies and so many out there just itching to meet you. You have no excuses.

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Hi Emps,


Just what makes you infamous anyway? (just wondering).


You've asked for Tony's advice (smart move) but since I'm a woman and that seems to be what you're after maybe I can help too.


First, on behalf of all women, let me say PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't try to use a line on a woman. We're individulals with individual minds... please don't approach us with a cheap scripted line.


What you can do, however...


There's a very unattractive man who sits across the hall from me at work. I was shallow, I suppose, and avoided him until he became the first to learn my name, started asking questions about my life, and showed an interest in me. I wouldn't call him charming by any measure but I've really come to enjoy his company.


There's a man I'm falling in love with who is also not too attractive (but somehow he sparkles like emeralds to me). When I first met him he looked me in the eyes, smiled, then boldly sat down next to me. We chatted a bit about work and mutual friends and then settled onto the subjects of travel and music (a passion we both have) and things took off from there.


So the advice...


Don't talk to the woman unless you're genuinely interested in her. We can sense a come-on a mile away.


Do talk to her... ask questions and remember her answers. You don't have to entertain her; just make her feel like she's interesting to you.


Just enjoy yourself. We're people too.


One more thing: you've been through a lot and you carry some baggage from that lousy Judy woman... don't let any of that anger or bitterness invade your conversation or you'll send the girls running.


Best of luck. Just enjoy yourself.


Make eye contact, smile, and treat her like she's worthwhile.

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