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She has pretty eyes

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I met this person the other day at the store. We happened to bump into each other today. this is the second time that I bumped into herl I talk to her for about a minute in line. she told me she was having trouble with her boyfriend, so she had to leave. She is very pretty. Long story short. We live in the same apartment complex around the corner from the store.


Do I believe in signs. sure. Question is: do I just ignore her boyfriend and just say to her "lets have lunch, since we live in the same complex." Would I like to get to know her? sure. Do I want to take her away from her boyfriend? no.

But, I would like to be courageous enough to have lunch with her. Should I or not? She is extremely pretty, and appears to be a great person.




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She is telling a stranger (you) that she's having problems with her boyfriend. Does that not seem odd?

Anyway, you should definitely take the plunge. Ask her to lunch, you are not obligated and you should not care about her boyfriend's feelings. You are just asking her to go eat a sandwich; you aren't asking her for anal.

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Thanks for the advice. I guess that is what stop me. I guess I was overly to concerned what her boyfriend would think. As far I am concern I don't even think they are that serious. When I see her next, I will then ask her. After all she also mentioned that she lived around the corner.

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I would think twice about someone who is with one person while giving 'eye contact' to another. It could be signs of a disgruntled relationship....or signs of someone who is a player. Only you can make that determination.


Generally, I would prefer someone who ended a bad relationship before starting another one. People who don't give themselves 'time' between relationships are often people who just stay in relationships for the sake of being in one.....rather than holding out for something fulfilling.


You never know though....this could be KIZMET!



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Thank you for the post. I would not know if she is the type of peson to stay in the reltionship for the sake of a "relationship." I need that luch/ convesation first to evaluate the situation. Not personally her, the situation, mine especially.


Now adays who isn't in a relatioship for the sake of one, hoping to see their frog turn into a prince or hoping the makeup will never be taken off.

Thank you again

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Once you've had a conversation with her, you'll know more about what is going on in her particular situation. Just be careful not to get into the 'waiting' game. You know....the one where she likes YOU but stays with HIM. That's a real crappy place to end up.


I hope once you've had a chance to talk and decide you are interested in each other, she will leave her other relationship and you guys can see where this thing might lead.


Now adays who isn't in a relatioship for the sake of one I wouldn't....but I think you are right in that a whole lot of people do.


When are you planning to ask her to meet with you? Are you in a position where you can call her or meet her in the hall while she is alone?

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FYI: if they can do it WITH YOU, they can do it TO YOU.

Ie: if she can cheat or try to cheat on her man with you, she can cheat ON you.

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