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Can someone REALLY change??


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I was just wondering what everyone thought about people changing....for the better...Do you think someone, after a real bad situation occurs (don't want to get into all that), and they lose everything, can change.....I'm saying a person decides the way they have been living is not in anyone's best intrest, they have been through a troublesome time and now decide that seeking counseling and trying to "be a better man, the man he knows he is and use to be" Or do you think that change like that is impossible...Any thoughts??

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purple pickles

i think change is totally possible ....if something bad has happened and someone is ready to face up to it and deal with whatever problems they have and change for the better than they should go for it..........its better to try and change and risk failure than to stick with bad habits

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People are certainly capable of changing. But most major behavioral patterns, such as attitudes towards relationships, money, friends, work, education, etc., are so deeply engrained in most people that it takes major effort to break out of established patters.


It usually takes a major traumatic event in ones life to give a person enough motivation to even attempt major attitudinal changes. But it does happen.


If the person you speak of is willing to get counselling and work diligently on the situation...and make a major committment to change...it can come about over time.

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