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Relationship Troubles?!?!

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Relationship troubles??? Help Please


I have been seeing/dating this older guy for about 2 months and all of a sudden he is acting weird. He has two children that Im very close to. So usually I go over to his house to hang out with the kids until its there bedtime then the two of us hang out for a while or talk to him everyday on the phone. But now I havent seen him for about 4 days and he isnt calling me any more Im the one calling him. what do I do?? Im I doing something wrong?? Please help me because I really care for him and I dont know what to do.




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Men are cowards when it comes to ending relationships--even relatively short term ones.


My best guess is that this man is telling you, in guy passive-aggressive fashion, that it's over. Believe me, if he wanted you to come over, he'd call. We're pretty basic.


Sorry. I hope I'm wrong.

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My best guess is that this man is telling you, in guy passive-aggressive fashion, that it's over. Believe me, if he wanted you to come over, he'd call. We're pretty basic.


Don't call him, don't visit. When he figures out that he is missing you, he will call you.


I hope it works out!

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