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New friend. New Interest.

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I feel silly posting this, but I need to ease my restless mind. I have recently gone back to school because I hated my old career choice. I am starting everything over from the beginning to make sure I get it right. This is my second semester in my first year. Anyways, I will get to the point, background first-


I am a 33 year old single male. I do not look my age. I have all of my hair, no grey (and no dye). I dress with the trends, though I do have thick shaggy hair and an unkempt beard. Not that it looks bad, just something new since I do not work in an office environment anymore. I work out 5 days a week and constantly eat healthy food. I have already attracted the attention of the younger college women, which is no problem with me. They are old enough and I do not plan to settle down any time soon.


Before I am flamed, I am not a player. I didnt have sex until I was married at 24. I was with my wife and only my wife until I was 30 and she cheated on me. We divorced 3 years ago. Since then, I have only been with 4 women. I wouldnt call any of them relationships, but I was "dating" them for about 3 months or so, then I kind of got bored.


Now to the point-


I havent been with a woman since Aug of last year before I started school. I really have not been thinking about them because I want to concentrate on school.....


This past Friday, I met a girl I really like. I know, its crazy, it was only a day, but I felt a very strong connection. She is in my English class. Sits right next to me and came in late. I gave up my computer so she could use one that was already booted up and get her project done in time (though she didnt). After class, she asked if I could help her get it done. She said she would rather turn it in late than not at all. I told her I wasnt able to help because I had another class in less than 10 minutes. We finally agreed to meet at 12:30, near the library, so she could get some help.


She shows up after both of our classes about 10 minutes late (no big deal to me. She didnt know her class let out later). We were not able to use the library, so we goto the computer lab. Not able to get in because she doesnt have her school I.D. yet (new student and she doesnt know anything about the school). The whole time we are walking, she is asking me about music, my favorite TV shows, how old I am (and freaks out when she found out I was 33, but not in a bad way. Just constantly saying that I looked so young. She thought I was 25).


So, as she is still talking and asking me questions (I am only talking enough to answer her questions), we go to her car, get her license so she can get her school I.D. Now, this is where I felt the connection... While she was in the room getting her picture taken, like 90% of the time, she was looking at me with a big smile and just wouldnt look away from me. Like she was so happy I was helping her and spending the day with her. I dont know how to explain it, but that was when i found myself attracted to her more than just a set of tits. That was when i realized I was really having fun with her too and didnt want it to end.


After getting her I.D., we head to the computer lab and as we are sitting down, she pulls me closer to her and asks me to help. I help, mainly just how to use the computer and helped her write the essay a little. After we were done, I told her I was hungry and was going to get lunch. She then asked what kind of food I liked as we were walking out. I told her anything as long as it was healthy. Then I told her I was going to get some Sushi and she was invited to come along and that i would even buy her lunch. She declined the lunch offer, saying she didnt like sushi, but said she would love to come along and spend time with me while I eat.


When we got there, she started talking about one of her best friends, her girlfriend (Yeah, it came out, she has an actual girlfriend), but that she was bi sexual and likes both women and men. I didnt ask what she likes most. I tried staying away from relationship topics. While I was eating, she kept asking if she could try various things on my plate. She tried the Wasabi and Ginger. Some of the rice and one of the avocado rolls. I didnt mind sharing. She started talking about astrological signs and mentioned that since I am a Virgo and she is a Pisces that we were going to be great friends...


After we left, she realized she had received a text from her "girlfriend" and asked if it was ok to call her. She told the girlfriend that she was out with this "great guy" that helped her get her I.D., finish a paper, show her around the school and that "we" had just finished lunch and was headed back to the school for her car. The girlfriend got jealous and mad at her. After she got off the phone, I told her I didnt want to be in the middle of anything, that I had been cheated on and that I knew of the feelings involved in your significant other hanging out with someone that was a potential mate. She said that if her girlfriend wasnt going to let her have friends (male or female), that things wouldnt work in the long run anyways. I changed the subject after that because we were already back at the school.


I had to take a piss, so as I was walking to the school, she followed me in without even knowing what I was doing. We talked more...


Now some quick background- I am a gentleman. I open the door for any woman. Always have, always will and this girl was eating it up. She giggled and hugged my arm everytime I did that. Once in the school, after opening 2 doors for her, she stops in the hall and says "Are you going to open this door too?" There was no door. She was pretending. I said "There is no door. Come on" and I smiled. She got this little pouty face and said "Please?", so i reached over and pretended to open a door. She started laughing and said "Youre so cute and so nice" and started laughing more.


After going to the restroom, I walked her back to her car and she asked for my number. I usually try to get a girl's number so I am the one in control, but I figured this girl was hooked. I gave it to her. We talked a few more minutes and she rushed in for a hug when I told her I finally needed to go. We hugged for a sec and I told her bye. When she was getting in her car, she said 'I can tell you and I are going to be really good friends. I am so excited"



And thats it. She hasnt called or texted me. It has been the whole weekend and when I usually do not care if a woman contacts me or not, i cant stop thinking about this girl. I know I will see her tomorrow, but I wanted so bad to talk t her this weekend. So, I guess the main reason I am posting is what is going on? Is it partly because of the girlfriend? maybe she is having second thoughts? Is it my age? (she is 19... yeah, I know. Big gap, but this girl is so damned cool and pretty). Some sort of advice would be nice. I figure I will know tomorrow, but I have homework and I cant get this girl off my mind.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by OfTheArts
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Hmm, I have to say it really is hard to tell. She could just be a flirty girl and grateful for your help and is clinging to you because it was her first day at school? From what you have said, she mentioned a couple of times that you two were going to be great 'friends', so that would make it clear in my mind, that was all she was thinking about at the moment - just friends. But also, I would be wary of someone who said that in the first place - who knows if you're going to be great friends? you only just met. She sounds a bit cocky and confident and possibly a bit of a player.

You said that she is young and also enjoys relationships with both male and female which would make me a bit wary to be honest. At that age she probably has a lot to learn about being in a mature relationship and seems to be experimenting - she doesn't seem to mind if she loses her current girlfriend over someone else so I would just say be careful and get to know her a bit more as a friend and watch how she interacts with others first before you get too close.

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she is obviously not ready for a mature relationship. if you pursue her than strap yourself in for an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. also prepare yourself for heartbreak as well. she is 19. she is not going to settle down and marry. you're 33. every girl sometimes dreams of dating an older and good looking man. if you're in it just for the experience, then go for it. but she will throw your heart through a blender and giggle while she's doing it when it's all over.

Edited by fiat500
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