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i dont understand this guy?

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so this friend of mine i hadnt heard from for a month messaged to wish me a happy new year and to let me know he's back in town to stay...he wished me well and told me to keep in touch.


i didnt reply and about an hr later he sent another message saying hey keep in touch..


i replied and said welcome back and hope things are well for him too and ended the message at that..he replied and tried to keep the conversation going...


he teased me about this actress he thinks i look like and i joked and said i thought we had established that i was hotter and he said this: ...ur hotter, still keen for a shot of mine. Haha, u dating anyone, kinda working things out with my ex. U still like my c*** lol


i didnt reply-----so i got a few more messages and he ended with hey keep in touch.


about 2 wks later i replied and basically told him that he knows the answer but given that his working things out with his ex, the question was just inappropriate and not important. i ended it at that and ended with keep in touch too...i wasnt expecting a reply but he did and he said:


Bit late. Hahaha im back with my girlfriend again. etc.. and said that he had been getting himself off over me a lot.


i was caught off guard and was already annoyed about him getting back with his ex so i didnt reply.. but he kept messaging and said that i make him hard and if i would still hook up with him..


i was tempted to tell him to **** off but instead i replied and just said that im sure he knows how i feel but he has gf so he shouldnt even be asking or talking to me that way. i ended the message saying that ill always be there for him as a friend if he needs me and to keep in touch...


i cant get my head around the exchange..:confused: what was up with that? i know were friends but i just dont understand why he'd tell me he's back with his ex and then talk like he doesnt have a gf with all the sexual innuendos. whats going on? did i blow it? have i lost him completely? will i hear from him again?


any input would be appreciated...:)

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This guy sounds like a bit of a jerk to me to be honest with you. As you say, why does he think it's ok to say such things to you if he has a girlfriend? Imagine if you were his girlfriend and he sent similar messages to someone else while going out with you :sick:

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