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As mentioned in my previous post, I'm really devastated over a ex-girlfriend who's with another man, but says she still loves me. I've since been with one woman, but don't want to use other people to try to "drug" myself out of my own pain. When is a good time to begin to seek out new partners? If my ex is with somebody, I almost get the insecure feeling that somehow she is better than me because she's with somebody and I'm not. Should I really try to get over my ex on my own, before dating again, or should I jump right back into it?

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How can you be so mean to yourself??? You are really into making yourself feel as bad as possible. Will you please get ahold of yourself???!!!


First, STOP keeping track of your ex. Stop talking to her, stop receiving messages from her. HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HER WHATSOEVER!!! I hate to say this but SHE DOES NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT love you in a romantic way. People who are in love don't remain having sex with another person and write off the person they love. She doesn't even love you as a friend because if she did she would have some consideration for your feelings and not keep calling you and giving you hope that you might get her sorry butt back if her present situation ever goes sour. YUK!!! FORGET HER....FORGET HER....FORGET HER!!!!!!


I don't mean to be cruel here. I am just trying to get you to see you have GOT TO START LOOKING OUT FOR YOURSELF IN THIS WORLD...BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T NOBODY ELSE WILL!!!!


Now your ex IS better off...because she is doing what she wants and keeping you on the string for some perverted reason, who knows. Don't let her do that. FORGET HER, FORGET HER, FORGET HER....WRITE HER OFF NOW....WRITE HER OFF NOW....WRITE HER OFF NOW...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You absolutely need to stay busy doing things you like. Just live a normal life, use good judgement in picking your friends, and take up some nice hobbies. Give yourself time to heal from this slimebucket sleasey scum of the earth excuse for a homosapien. Once you have sufficiently healed, you will gain a new healthy interest in finding someone nice for yourself. There are just so many really wonderful ladies out there who are so much more worthy of your time and thoughts!!!


I fear that right now, if you start seeing ladies to drown out your pain, you will be doing both them and yourself a grace disservice. You really deserve great happiness. This is something terrible that has happened to you...but for God's sake don't prolong the agony by continuing contact with this thing...whatever she is.


I truly understand what you are going through and how you feel. I too would be devastated...but also mad as hell and would write this wench off so fast. I wish there was some magic dust I could sprinkle over you to take away your pain.

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