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ack! two pages of unreplied!

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ok, am dedicating one posting hour to answering at least one or two. :S

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THANKS Jenny for bringing that to my attention! I'll stand with you the extra hour for replying to non-responded to threads.


YOU are such a SWEETIE!!!!!!!



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Used to be the mods who'd pick up the unreplieds. I check some as I go up the list of recent posts, but I have no useful advice for some of them so I pass on them.

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I'm glad you brought it to my attention since Grey is a friend of mine and I missed the whole thread earlier today!

SOMETIMES, I never see posts until days later when I search thru particular subjects.

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SOMETIMES, I never see posts until days later when I search thru particular subjects


Same here.


I managed to pick up two tonight in between hanging sweaters.


This could be a problem, however, by the time I'm ready for my shower. :laugh:

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