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My Dream Guy.. what should I do????

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[color=darkred]Ok.. imagine yourself in a classroom setting. There's a GORGEOUS guy sitting across from you with the most beautiful green eyes ever. He's perfect. He's the guy you dream about at night and drool on your pillow for. He starts making frequent eye contact, enough to make you think .. " He's attracted to me." So.. this is my situation, it's kind of cute, but I want to be careful...


Ok.. my Dream Guy and I finally started talking in class. It's obvious that he's interested because he flirts with me and asked me out to lunch with him and a few of his closest friends. I went to the luncheon and had a great time! The thing is, I know that he told me he had a girlfriend that he's been with for two years, and when I found that out, I was really shocked. He is super sweet, very fun to be around, and I miss him when I am not in school to be around him. He's the reason I got up in the morning to haul my ass to class!


So anyway, I've known him since January and our friendship has turned into feelings for eachother...well, at least I know that I am the one with feelings for him. I was upset on the last day of school because I knew that we wouldn't have anymore classes together and he really didn't attempt to get my email address or any info to contact me with. I was too shy to ask him, so I went home at day and thought about him.


So, last night, I was on the internet on a website that I frequent and started looking up profiles on the web for people that I know. I entered random friend's names to see if they were registered for this particular site. I entered the Dream Guy's name and his profile popped up. I immediately emailed him. The funny thing is, he knew I was on that site all the time and he told me that he would never sign up because it was a waste of time. So I wrote him a funny email about finding him on the site when he said he would never do it. He wrote me back saying that he signed up ONLY because he was looking for ME! I believe that to be true because he signed up the day after school ended. So we talked all night last night on the internet until 5 am. I found out his girlfriend dumped him and he wants to take me to dinner next weekend. Whoa.. I don't know what to think of all of this.


Should I go for it or not? I know that his girl just dumped him, but I really like him A LOT. I am so attracted to him that I don't think I've ever been so attracted to anyone like that in my life. I am 27 years old and he is 23, I've been in a lot of long term relationships and he's only been in one. I know the appropriate answer is for me to just be his friend and help him cope through the break up.. but I seriously want him and I feel like I am the one that needs help! hahaha! I think I am just going to go out to dinner with him and see how it goes. I am so happy about this that I can't sleep. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.







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Go out, by all means. Just take it slow. Don't fall into bed too soon. Spend time getting to know one another and building a good foundation. There'll be time to indulge the chemistry later. You do not want to be rebound girl!

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Huh? No, of course not--he's not looking for someone to comfort him, he made a move on YOU. You're into him, he's been into you, he's available, you're available... go for it.

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What they said. And I agree, no need to rush anything. Good luck!


Side note: The type color you're using is so easy for me to see right now - thank you!!!! :cool:

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it would not be in your best interest to go too quickly here because you will end up a rebound. I would strongly advise that you get to be friends first. The reason I say this is if you get into it with him now, you could end up being told that he is going back to her. If you are friends before and he has time to overcome the loss of his last relationship he will obviously hang out with you and you will get to know each other ad that's really important. Should you jump in now, he may not respect you for taking atvantage of his relationship failure regardless of the reason for thier break-up. I have been in this position before and I think you should really take it slow.


Good luck and take care...................from kittykat

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