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Make that extreme mental block. Can anyone share any experiences to overcome it? I am a solo attorney and certain cases I just can't seem to face/deal with. I just ignore them and they get worse and worse. I work alone so that is part of the problem. Sometimes they're cases that are just not fun, and I understand that. But I get in these whirlpool-like cycles where I can't reach the shore to dry off and collect myself. I briefly went to therapy but it was not really productive.


Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.

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Ignoring files is a very good way of getting disbarred. You're far better off referring those files to another attorney. "But I could use the money." Yeah, but you also need your license.

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Sure. But first step in fixing the problem is admitting it, right? I am trying to focus on and figure out why I do it.


I sympathise. I have phases where I have similar attitudes to part of my work. I do always 'deliver', but the path to delivering can be a bit rocky sometimes. I try to figure out what makes me hesitant about a particular piece of work and then face whatever problem head on. It's a 'what's the worst thing that can happen' way of thinking. If you think that one through, the answer's not usually that bad. Just talking it through with a colleague helps, too. I'm done a fair bit of solo work, too, but I tried to have some kind of professional dialogues with someone (either online or IRL) to have someone to bounce off ideas and issues with.

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