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Tony, If you only Knew...

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Tony, I will try to go above and beyond the comments of others, by saying that your words have been extremely redemptive and healing during my time of pain. You are truly a saint, and obviously have lots of experience. Tony, I pay a shrink a hundred and fifty freakin' bucks an hour for this stuff, and I get more from talking to you by far. You are truly a wonderful person, Tony, and if I saw you at a bar, I would buy you a drink. I bet you're a blast to have a few beers with. Tony, seeing as you obviously own this web site, why not start your own, where you could help people like you do now, but similtaneously collect revenues from sponsors? Tony, words cannot express my gratitude toward you. -GD

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I am overwhelmed by your gratitude and I very much appreciate you taking the time to write such kind words.


You bring up a very interesting point about me owning this website. I have no affiliation with it at all...and lately I have felt very uncomfortable because I am the only person who responds to many of the posts.


My plans are to pull back a bit because I think everyone is much better served by reading a variety of viewpoints, not just mine. Even though you say very nice things, there are people out there who think I am harsh, cruel and insensitive. That's why I wish more people would give their opinions.


Thanks again for your post and I wish you great luck in achieving your goals. It's a lot of work but the results can make your life so much more fulfilling. I know exactly how you feel.

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You bring up a very interesting point about

me owning this website. I have no affiliation with it at all...and lately I have felt very uncomfortable because I am the only person who responds to many of the posts.

Dear Gregg, Tony, and other guests,


This question comes up once a month or so doesn't it? I'm terribly behind in reading messages on the forum as I've been preparing to move (Two days left!) and fiddling with this new LoveTalk/LoveShack.org forum system that I'm dying to get out to the public. Hopefully it would answer some of the questions many including Gregg have had regarding the purpose of this site and who posts here.


Presently we have a group of people who have been designated as "Hosts"... this antiquated system hasn't been effective since sometime last year. Each of the original Hosts, including myself, started this site to help us deal with personal conflicts that we were experiencing in our own lives and at the same time find others experiencing similar situations. The LoveShack.org web site was a complement to our "chat room" and LoveTalk a form of answering service for when Hosts were not available to chat. However, our site's popularity has exploded since our beginnings in 1997 and most of the Hosts have stopped taking an active role in the day to day functions of the site. While they still provide feedback to myself on changes that I make, most have chosen other paths. LoveShack.org still remains a dream of mine, and I've been working to try and make a system that would better cater to the needs of those who try to find solace here. Unfortunately, doing so has taken most of the time up I have to dedicate to the site. I, also, did not like the exclusive attention I received when posting responses to messages and sympathize with Tony in that respect. That's not what this site was supposed to be about. While Tony is an articulate, highly intelligent individual, he holds only his own opinion. This is a place to gather multiple opinions. In the end, you need to make the choices and decisions that affect your life for yourself.


I should also clear up any confusion regarding advertising revenues that our site generates. LoveShack.org runs completely non-profit and has been funded by personal donations from myself and the revenues we've accumulated through advertisements on the site. Currently, we are generating enough revenue to keep the site self-sufficient. Once the new system goes into place, our server requirements will increase and raise our costs of operation. At no point in time have I or anyone else who volunteers here made a profit from this site, and at no point in time will anyone ever do so. Initially we were against advertising on the site, however I could not support the site on my own. Advertisements are carefully selected and approved personally by myself before they appear on our site to ensure that they are not offensive or misleading.


I just wanted to clear those few things up and wish you all the best. I'm grateful and honored to have helped create a place that helps people in their individual journeys. Within the next two weeks, a test version of the new site should be available for testing. I look forward to having time to spend with you all again! God bless,



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