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Friends...or more?

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OK, so i am a long time reader, first time poster on here! Really enjoy the forums here!


Heres my predicament and hope some of you guys can give me perspective on my situation...


OK, so I have a great friend who I have known for about 5 years now. We met through mutual friends and have a ton of stuff in common. We used to live in the same city, but now she lives in AZ and I live in OR. Because of this distance, we have basically just been keeping in touch over facebook and the occasional text message. In fact, we have only seen each other about 3 times in the last few years.


Heres the deal though; I have always had a crush on this girl! It just seemed that she or I was involved in another relationship when we would have the opportunity to see each other.


So heres what has sparked my interest recently. We both have jobs which allow us to travel for free so this last weekend, she invited me to come hang out with her in AZ. We didnt just meet up with friends, rather she invited me to stay at her house and meet her mother who she takes care of. This seems to be kind of a big deal! Of course I slept in the extra room as a friend would, but we went out for drinks and hung out alone basically the whole weekend. It was great, but now I am trying to figure out where I stand. I didnt want to put a move on her like trying to kiss her or assume that maybe I would have a chance to start moving the relationship out of the "friend zone". Especially since I was a guest at her house and didnt want to make the remainder of my stay awkward. Basically, the closest we got was snuggling on the couch after going out for drinks... probably the perfect situation to try and sneak a kiss in, but I just couldnt do it becuase i had no "out"... I couldnt just say could night and leave if I were rejected!


Now I am feeling that I have missed a great opportunity. I find myself doing nothing but thinking about the weekend and the time we spent together and how I had the perfect opportunity to try and start a relationship with someone whom I feel is really my soulmate.... Maybe I sent the wrong signals by keeping a comfortable distance during my visit? I hope thats not the case, but the thought is there and its really bothering me.


I am trying to get her to come up and visit me now, so we'll see how that works out, but my question to you guys here is: am I being overly optimistic? I know the distance is a challenge, but does this sound like she might be interested in being more than friends?

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It sounds promising, actually.



And you will be able to measure her very soon based on how much effort she puts forth toward trying to make it to visit your area.



Additionally, once she's there, you can be less encumbered by outside factors when first going out for drinks and then lingering especially close afterward.

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