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I want to inspire tonight,


I want to go on to tell you that self-improvement and focusing on oneself is the best thing one can do in life. Because when we improve ourselves the whole world benefits. I want to tell you that I myself have gone through some pains in my life but those difficult failures have helped shape me and make me something strong, something beautiful.


I want to tell you that I was once broken with heartbreak, loss of family, and minor depression yet I came through by focusing on the end gain.


I want to tell you that the best thing you can ever do for yourself, is to learn how to be comfortable in your own shoes. To tell yourself you love yourself, to become who you were meant to be, and who you always were deep down inside.


I feel like there is a lot of pain on loveshack and it is understandable pain, however, I offer this post as a sort consolence. Something which will help people know that after the gridlocked hell there is peace, as long as you seek it and head for higher ground. Even if you only move up a tiny morsel of a step every few days, weeks, or months, you must reach up for that vine within reach.


good luck LS,


I send you all my love.

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Thanks! Needed to hear (read rather) that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is better things to come.....


I also am wise enough to know when going thru things....its rarely easy to step out of ones way and focus on the outer world for comfort....We each need others to lean on....Balance of others and improve along the way...

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I love this post. Thanks for putting your insightful words out to resonate with LS souls :) Your words certainly resonated with me. I'm going through a lot of personal growth right now that requires focusing on loving, being gentle with myself and striving further, never giving up.

I realized recently that I had settled for a more mediocre attitude and feeling for my life without even realizing the process as it was happening. I mean I knew things didn't feel good or right but I felt helpless. I'm getting back in touch with my own personal power and grace. It's a daily process, learning to love myself again and truly cherish life. I've felt really happy lately because of this growth I'm going through. :) And it if it weren't for the pain that I've gone through, I'm not sure I would feel this wonderful now and appreciate life the way I do. ~

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