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Getting over the ex... with a new girl?

Mind's Playing Tricks on Me

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Mind's Playing Tricks on Me

Hello again,


I am still having some serious problems with my current girlfriend because of thoughts of my ex. I only broke up with her 2 weeks ago, and started going out with a new woman right away.


Well, I'm having difficulty, again, not thinking of the ex in the bedroom. It was the only place where things really worked for us. And of course, thinking of that while with the new girlfriend doesn't help my performance in any way or form, in fact quite the opposite.


My new girlfriend is fully aware that I have emotional "baggage" that I'm still dealing with, as my ex and I were really serious. Yet I don't think it's fair that she wants to "consumate" the relationship, and I can't seem to pull it off due to previous issues.


Is there any quick way to get the thought out of my head? I really can't afford to wait weeks for my head to clear. So far, my solution will be to increase my testosterone levels with some unhealthy substances from a previous time in my life. This can't continue, and it's really freaking me out.


Any suggestions, anyone/everyone?

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I will say this: you need to deal with the issues. It is only healthy to. also, I know sex is great, but why do it unless you truely care about this other girl. Is she nothing but a piece of meat to you? You catch my drift.


having said all of this, Viagra will keep it up and help you get your rocks off. However, I suggest that you only do this if you truly have feelings for this new girl. It is not fair to you or her to confuse this issue. Anyway, I hope this helps.

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Do her a favour and let her go, your not ready for another relationship at the moment.


You will just do what my ex did to me......


Have fun, and 4 months later u will want to be single......


Just be single now, and if u get back together later on, then u know its meant to be!

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