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Promise Rings

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Hi everyone, I'm new here and Im not sure if this is where I should be posting this question. Here it goes anyway. I am 19 and a freshman in college. I have a girlfriend of six months that I am head over heals in love with. She feels the same way. I want to one day marry the girl but the current conditions of our lifes obviously rule that option out. Also, engagement must always preced that anyway. Thats not an option either. A, our parents would kill us, B, I dont have the money to buy an appropriate ring. I want to know about promise rings. I think that is the way I have to go for now. In general how does the public feel about promise rings, and how much should one spend on one? There is no doubt in my mind that this is the girl I want to one day marry. I appreciate your input.

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There is nothing wrong with promise rings. When I was 17, I got a promise ring from my boyfriend who at the time I thought I wanted to marry. He spent about $300 on the ring, but that was about 10 years ago. It was very pretty and I used to wear it all the time. It's up to you on how much you want to spend. Just go by what you can afford. Good luck to you!

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Promise rings sound innocent enough... a little committment....but not the major band of gold 2 out of 3 couples give up at least once. Guys like to mark their territory, and women like security....it works. Good luck !!!

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Thanks for your input so far. Dug, this isnt about marking my territory... Its about the promise... Its for my security too.

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i always thought a necklace with a nice stone, then turn it into the ring later on. that is romantic

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stonegate18....I understand, but ....what's more secure for some folks than their own place or space or piece or whatever.

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I think promise rings are wonderful. You have the commitment, without all the commitment where parents are concerned if you know what I mean. I got 1 when I was 16 and I was on cloud 9. Adults/parents weren't concerned b/c it was a promise ring not engagement ring, but to us it was like a mini engagement ring. I think $150 - $300 is appropreate(or what ever you can afford, she'll still love it) don't go over board otherwise you are getting into engagement rings and remember someday you will have to buy a ring that out does this one. The main thing is to make the giving of the ring a memoriable moment that the 2 of you will share and remember for years to come, (you'll have to out do this to when the engagment ring comes ;) ) Good Luck.

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I thought promise rings were what you wore when you were both virgins, and promised to remain virgins until you took each other's virginity...or at least that's what it is on Days of Our Lives :p

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I think you should save the money for this ring and save it for the BIG ring, years later. will help you out by doing so.

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A promise ring can mean a lot of things. It basicly stands for the promise that you and the other person want to make. Whatever that is. I thank everyone for their input. I found a ring at gordons jewelers that I really like for a hundred dollars. I think she will love it.


As far as waiting and saving the money is concerned. I plan on getting her that big ring a few years down the road (when college is winding down) but in the mean time, I have no problem dropping that money for her. It jsut takes a few sacrifices on my part (less pizza on those late study nights). I want to give her the ring to signify my intentions to one day marry her without pissing off my parents. They don't think I should be in a serious relationship when I have college to worry about. I would propose to her today if I could and that is why I want to do this.


Once again, thanks for your input everybody.

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