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does a guy's sex drive ever calm down?!

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I am curious about something. i have a 22 yr old bf who has the sex drive of a teenage boy.


now, i know that he is not that old. but my question is this: is there ever a point in a man's life when sex is not comsuming their every thought?


my guy gets sex whenever he wants it- sometimes 2-3 a day, and after that.. i find he has looked at porn later on that same day!


i don't necessarily have a problem with his huge sexual appetite, but i wonder how he could still be so horny after he has gotten more than enough?

i also wish i could just relate to him on a person to person level without all that sexual energy 24/7. i feel like i'm dealing with a 15 yr old boy. :)


so, just as the saying goes about women having their "peak years"... is my guy's age the reason he is so horny? perhaps these are a man's "peak" years.. but when does it ever go down? (pun intended)



curious and wondering...

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well my bf is also 22 turning 23 in april, but he wants to have sex at least once if not twice a day...not that i am complaining, but he's is soo horney in the mornings, and i just want to sleep until 7!!!

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I am 21 years old, and fully capable of laying side-by-side in bed, with a beautiful woman, and not wanting to have sex. I suppose it may depend on the individual, but I have never really had an uncontrollable, teenage sex drive (Save for when I was aged 13–15). I like intimacy, but intimacy does not have to be sexual intercourse or oral sex.


I'm really not certain if there is an average age range when males calm down with sexual cravings.

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I dont think theres a certain age either - but it depends on the person. My sex-drive really wasn't uncontrollable - even during my early years. It was never a dominating factor in life - I'd rather spend time with a girl getting to know her and enjoying her company than having sex (which I've never done). Its never been a driving factor in forming relationships with people for me, though when the time comes, and my girl wants it bad - I doubt I could refuse. It might change once I acutally get a girlfriend though - but I dont see it doing much change if any.

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I have read that women peak at about 30yrs old, and men men start to decline at about that age. If that is true, enjoy what he is offering now. Most of the 40 yr old women in my office who don't mind sharing their personal lives, say that their husbands are more excited by ESPN than having sex with them.

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Glad I could offer assurance to you Dug..... ;)


I can also truly say that I enjoy sex more now than I did when I was in my 20's. BUT....there is more information and guidance out now than there was then. I used to think creative sex was bending into different positions.....not creating a different kind of atmosphere. LOL!

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eh...we're humans, so we do the best that we can. I also find that sex is alot more emotionally fulfilling now than at 21. There is nothing quite as satisfying as watching a woman cry thru a climax and knowing that she has been taken to a new level. My libido is about the same as it was at 18, but I suppose I was reasoning that youngsters won't generally be needing Viagra for a while.

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HAHA Angel......I guess I just run into all the horny men! I live near a Navy base....maybe THAT'S it!

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Originally posted by Arabess

HAHA Angel......I guess I just run into all the horny men! I live near a Navy base....maybe THAT'S it!

Plus you haven't been married for 15 years. :)

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I suppose familiarity or boredom can breed complacency or dimish a sex drive as much as age. Maybe Arabess stumbled onto something because Ponce De'Leon did believe there was a fountain of youth in Florida.....or maybe being near salt water adds to a man's virility ?

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I think Lady has a point Dug. It might depend on if a guy is in a marriage/ long term relationship....or he is just out trolling the bars with his drunk buddies hoping for a Friday Night BOINK!!!!

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HAHAHA Gaia. Trust me....it doesn't take much to seduce a sailor!!! A woman could weigh 300 pounds and have a horn growing out of her forehead and picked up by a guy around here. I moved here 6 years ago after picking the location on the map BETWEEN 2 Navy bases and a Coast Guard station on purpose.


I'm too old to play the dating game odds in a normal town. I need it to come easy for me. LMAO!

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I'm too old to play the dating game odds in a normal town. I need it to come easy for me


Arabess, you do yourself a disservice! But if my marriage ever breaks up, I know where I'm moving :D

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Well, I'm 30. It is true that my sex drive is MUCH higher than it was a few years ago. Guys my age have calmed down a little bit.


I usually date guys in their early to mid twenties.....and most of the time they have a hard time keeping up with ME!! LOL

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Dear guestbeauty,


In response to your original post, I have that problem too although i'm kind of seeing someone now, but other guys I meet and my crazy ex partner of five years were into sex so much all the time. SOmetime it made me feel like a sex object rather than a person. I wanted intamacy and understanding thats when the sex is good but all guys I have met are around the age of 25-30 are like teenage boys with crazy sex lifes and frankly that dog oanting thing really puts me off. S I know how you feel. All i can suggest is that you talk to him and tell him that just like he wants sex you want romantic times and intimacy from him. Maybe you can come to an agreement where you are both happy and enjoy your relationship.

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average guy

I just made a post somewhere else about one of your concerns saying basically that the only time I ever look at porn (or other women) is when I am not satiated sexually, so yes, it does sound like your man is still horny (2-3 times a day would be average for most men. mine was 5-7 times a day!)


Anyway, I just wanted to add that the two women who were "as horny" as I was back then, were also 2 of the 4 women I've ever dated who O felt most connected (pardon the pun) and intimate and deeply understanding (pardon any more puns) but the point I'm trying to make is that you can have lots of great sex and still have a wonderful intimiate caring relationship. The other two wonderful caring relationships I had just didn't happen to involve a lot of sex. Sex does not preclude or naget intimacy and understanding. (at least it didn't foe me :)





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(2-3 times a day would be average for most men. mine was 5-7 times a day!)


When you chose the user name "average guy", were you being ironic?????

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Somewhere around 35 or so, things might calm down. Maybe....likely......or not.....every one is different but most of us seem to calm down around then. Of course that's from 5 times a day to at least once a day......

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