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Never date someone from the Net


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What started out as a friendly chat, ended up with this guy playing head games. I accidently , went through a website and found this photo of a guy, who I thought was cute and seemed like a nice guy. Anyway, we emailed for about one week, finally we decide to meet at a restaurant. I had no sitter, so I asked him if he would mind if I bring my child along. He said not a problem.


Considering I've never done anything like that in my life, even bring a child on a date made me extremely nervous. We had lunch, after a couple of hours later to my surprise I recieve an email from him, saying it was over. He said that I didn't pay any attention to my child, never said I loved her, or kissed her. Alright took it with a grain of salt, and felt really bad, I explained I've never been in such a scenario before, and I express my affections in other ways.


We continued to email each other, again , after I made him understand , to give me a second chance I felt uncomfortable. He calls me a few days later, and we plan to meet again, his kids and mine, at the park. He then proceeded to give me his address, and tells me to call him that night so we can plan for the next day. I get home that night, he doesn't want to pick up the phone, I call and email him, to no avail. The next day, he apologized says he has a lot of pressure, because of many problems, his wife passed away, job problems, kids, etc.


So we email each other again, he says I'm always on the computer, what am I doing, meeting guys, etc.


He then tells me he doesn't want to see me again, I write him an email, saying if he wants to play games, he found his match, kidding of course. I then take the liberty, to apologize in person, since he gave me his address, with my child. I rang the doorbell, he did not answer. Come home, another email, saying he was sorry, didn't know it was me.


Next day, I get an email saying he wants to end this, it is getting scary he said, all my phone calls, coming over the house. I'm not a fruitcake, I simply wanted to know what was going on. So I sent him an email, saying, I will not call you, or come over anymore. I even stopped emailing him.


Question, his birthday is coming up in 2 weeks would you send him a birthday card on the net or forget him completely. He has many problems. I don't want him to think I'm a physho, or crazy. I told him that I'm just a nice person, truly interested in him.

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This guy has problems with hair on them. No, no card, no call, no Email, no present, no nothing on his birthday. Don't see him again. Stop thinking about his birthday and forget he exists!!!


Just how much do you have to go through before you write somebody off. This guy is rude as hell. At your first meeting he tells you it's off because he doesn't like the way you relate to your own children??? What business is it of his??? Who is he to judge how you raise your children???


The guy is totally and completely nuts. Now I don't want to discourage you from meeting people on the Internet because there are some nice ones. But there are some honest to God flakes there too, including this guy you just got rid of. You just have to be very careful, pay good attention, and be extremely honest and take care not to mislead the men you meet online in any way.


Why in heaven's name would you ever even want to remotely observe this guy's birthday after the way he has treated you??? You better start thinking about things like that and start insisting on being around people who treat you kindly with honor and respect!!!

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billy the kid

yes he does exist.. but only in hell... he is a total jerk... where does he live in a box with no windows or doors..... If you knock on my door I would look to see who it was.......He doesn't deserve another thought....there are really so many fish in the sea.......find one that at least eats the bait properly

This guy has problems with hair on them. No, no card, no call, no Email, no present, no nothing on his birthday. Don't see him again. Stop thinking about his birthday and forget he exists!!! Just how much do you have to go through before you write somebody off. This guy is rude as hell. At your first meeting he tells you it's off because he doesn't like the way you relate to your own children??? What business is it of his??? Who is he to judge how you raise your children???


The guy is totally and completely nuts. Now I don't want to discourage you from meeting people on the Internet because there are some nice ones. But there are some honest to God flakes there too, including this guy you just got rid of. You just have to be very careful, pay good attention, and be extremely honest and take care not to mislead the men you meet online in any way. Why in heaven's name would you ever even want to remotely observe this guy's birthday after the way he has treated you??? You better start thinking about things like that and start insisting on being around people who treat you kindly with honor and respect!!!

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I have one question. Why even ask? I think that you know the answer to this one. The problems with this guy are endless. Just forget that this guy even exists. I would have forgotten this one when he told you how to raise your children. One lunch does not constitute worth even having to explain yourself. In the immortal words of Dennis Miller, " Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."

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The whole net thing can be unreal. I know a woman who sold her home to move in with a guy she met on the net and he ended up being an alcoholic with a heroin-addict son who mistreated her horribly. She is now living with her sister while she is trying to get her life back together.

I have one question. Why even ask? I think that you know the answer to this one. The problems with this guy are endless. Just forget that this guy even exists. I would have forgotten this one when he told you how to raise your children. One lunch does not constitute worth even having to explain yourself. In the immortal words of Dennis Miller, " Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong."
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