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I care about you, but I don't think I love you anymore

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2.50 a gallon

Years later I discover that my number one passion in life, is historical research and in doing so develop many new friends in the world of academics. At one of their partys I met a man who was studying love chemicals and was interested in hearing personal stories of falling in love.

So I told him my story of my ex-fiance, of going from not a chance to being number one in a matter of about 24 hours.


I am not an expert and really barely understand what he had to say but the following is a simplified version of what happened to her and us chemically. Also i do not know all of the fancy chemical names and what they do other than dopamine. Which is a chemical that is produced in our brain when we have a good time, that makes us feel good.


On that special day, I did everything right. We had fun she, experienced many new things in her life, all of which were producing the first of her love chemicals. We drank a beer, she relaxed, in a beautiful natural setting, when we went swimming I horsed around with her splashing her and even dunking each other, I showed her my masculinity, subtle clues to her feminity


Then when we made love, she had her first multiple orgasm experience, and the killer was when I climaxed with out the protection of a condom and flooded her body with my male hormones. This had flooded her brain with dopamine with levels she had never experienced before.


Then in the following 18 hours her body went into overtime to maximize production of large amounts of love chemicals, that were almost custom made to match my male hormones. This included the sound of my voice, the way I looked, and even more importantly the pheremones that I produced when I sweat when we made love. Even though she was not conscious of it, her body reacted to the stimuli of my male smell.


These love chemicals produced a larger than she was used to amount of dopomine that flooded her brain, and over night she became addicted to the dopamine. And through my male hormones that I had left in her womb, and the pheremones of my smell, these love chemicals could only be produced by her interaction with me.


As the love grew, she and I both became addicted to the dopamine. Then when I began to falter and let her down, her body began to back off on producing those specific love chemicals, and with time, there was less dopamine, and she weaned herself from the addiction of my love chemicals. She still loved me, but without the love chemicals, the passion was gone, and she was off to find another source

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This is common in "taker" personalities. Takers are of course looking out for themselves 99% of the time and when they feel something is missing in a M, they are incapable of looking at themselves to find fault with but look towards someone else to be at blame for how they are feeling. This will bring on the GIGS that she has had from time to time and is now having again.


GIGS does involve a 3rd party. Someone to confide their troubles to and get reaffirmation that none of it is their fault. It quickly leads into an emotional bond and with that come the questions on whether or not they love their spouse anymore. The EA becomes PA and then they know for fact they no longer love their spouse because if they did, they wouldn't have crossed the line. Fact is, and it's hard to swallow, but when someone has an A, they do in fact, not love their spouse, and perhaps never did.



This is so so so so true! Very well put.

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