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is it him or is it me?

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most of the time my boyfriend is in a good mood and i love it. but sometimes he gets in these bad moods and they may last for days off and on. at these times i can't reason with him that he is in a bad mood, he thinks that it is me. i try to tell him that his moods are driving a wedge between but then just as fast as they come they are gone. he don't drink hardly at all, he is a very good person, very well like, has a great close family, but no one else in his family that i can tell seems to be this way. i think he is high strung and his moods bounce with his work or something, i don't know. when he is in a bad mood tho, he is ready to split up cause i easily irritate him with what i think are simple questions but he sees them as interragation. it don't take nothing to set him off, but when he is out of his moods he is the most swetest, loveable, kind man i know of. i tried talking to him and he just don't see it tho, he thinks that i am making it up or on cheap drugs or something. is there anything i can do? thank you kindly.

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just one more thing, when he gets in these moods i want to leave him too, but i know when it is over how sweet and good he is to me, almost like he is trying to make it up. but i am left with a sour taste in my mouth and not so sure i want to kiss and make up. by the time i chill again then he is ready for his next round of moods. he has gone for a couple weeks now in a good mood, dare i hope it to last? i almost look forward to his bad moods, then we both blow off tension, and i think i'll leave him this time around, but i can't do it. i'd miss him so much. am i blonde? no offense anyone.

most of the time my boyfriend is in a good mood and i love it. but sometimes he gets in these bad moods and they may last for days off and on. at these times i can't reason with him that he is in a bad mood, he thinks that it is me. i try to tell him that his moods are driving a wedge between but then just as fast as they come they are gone. he don't drink hardly at all, he is a very good person, very well like, has a great close family, but no one else in his family that i can tell seems to be this way. i think he is high strung and his moods bounce with his work or something, i don't know. when he is in a bad mood tho, he is ready to split up cause i easily irritate him with what i think are simple questions but he sees them as interragation. it don't take nothing to set him off, but when he is out of his moods he is the most swetest, loveable, kind man i know of. i tried talking to him and he just don't see it tho, he thinks that i am making it up or on cheap drugs or something. is there anything i can do? thank you kindly.
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I'll clue you in on a secret. guys CAN be even more tempermental than girls. That is a fact. my mother, to this day, scolds me on that. I will tell you though, it usually has to do with stress. Girls, on the otherhand, who knows why? Anyway, the best thing, i think, would be to sit down with this guy when he is in a good mood and ask him what's up. tell him that you love him, though. Just let him know that you want to work through this.

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thank you for the advise, unfortunately he denies that he is moody or anything like it, if i bring it up to him it puts him in a bad mood then he gets mad at me again. he may then hang up on me and not want to talk to me, but call me later as if nothing happened, maybe that is his way of forgetting it, like an apology or something.

I'll clue you in on a secret. guys CAN be even more tempermental than girls. That is a fact. my mother, to this day, scolds me on that. I will tell you though, it usually has to do with stress. Girls, on the otherhand, who knows why? Anyway, the best thing, i think, would be to sit down with this guy when he is in a good mood and ask him what's up. tell him that you love him, though. Just let him know that you want to work through this.
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Ok, that, in my opinion, leaves two other options. Leave him or don't. It is up to you. You are the one who ultimately has to decide that he is worth it or not. I think that should come as no big shock. I will tell you, though, that you sound like great woman and if this guy doesn't have decency to even aknowledge that you see something as a problem, he does not sound like a keeper. Notice, I said aknowledge, not work on. That is an important distinction. You see where I am goin on this? If not, I'll try to see if I can do a better job explaining it. The least he could do is to say well explain what you mean if he disagrees.

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hey you made a really great point, i like that and never thought of it that way. so the next time he denies it i am going to tell him that he needs to acknowledge that there is a problem in order for us to work on it, if he still insists on denying that there is one, then i guess i'll have to give him an ultimatum to face up to it or i'm not going to put up with it anymore. i think he has male pms, and i am serious. thanx great job....robin

Ok, that, in my opinion, leaves two other options. Leave him or don't. It is up to you. You are the one who ultimately has to decide that he is worth it or not. I think that should come as no big shock. I will tell you, though, that you sound like great woman and if this guy doesn't have decency to even aknowledge that you see something as a problem, he does not sound like a keeper. Notice, I said aknowledge, not work on. That is an important distinction. You see where I am goin on this? If not, I'll try to see if I can do a better job explaining it. The least he could do is to say well explain what you mean if he disagrees.


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