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Tony, a question for you

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I believe that people should be absolutely upfron with each other. It is the core of my being, now. It wasn't always. anyway, shouldn't the mystery in a relationship dreive from learning together and about each other rather than from some false image that someone projects? Just a thought. I must say that I have read a few of the past stuff and like the fact that you even care enough to help people in times of complete confusion. That reoccuring theme of created mystery, though, in many of the responses that I have read kind of struck a chord with me. I could just be living some rose colored fantasy world. Who knows?

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I didn't make up human nature. It was here long before I was born.


If you have read many of the posts, people are so often madly in love with those who have created mystery, a challenging situation...those who are just plain unavailable for one reason or other. I am talking human nature here. There are so many people who just don't value that which is handed to them on a silver platter.


I also want you to know that more people than not agree with my theory on this. Many a lady has puked at the site of some lovesick guy who gave in to their every wish.


I think there is a definite time to be upfront with one another...probably most of the time. The games I advocate are so well crafted they really aren't games...they are finely tuned modes of attracting members of the opposite sex...and they are played by only those who can handle them. Nobody has to play...nobody is forced to play. But do you have any idea how many people that post here want to win the hearts of people they have no chance with? Their ONLY chance of pulling it off is with a game...if they are equal to the task. Rather than tell them to forget it, I try to give them a strategy and let them see what happens.


Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but well played games do work and do bring and keep people together. Especially young people do not like members of the opposite sex who are too nice, too giving, too sweet, too available. Do you have any idea how many people like that get their hearts broken every minute. I just try to tell them how it is.


You may be one of the lucky ones who has never had to play games because you may have the personality or give off the energy that attracts members of the opposite sex who do not respond to or engage in games. Congratulations to you!!!

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Well put. I had not looked at it in that light. I guess we all can use to take off our rose colored glasses every now and then. None of us are perfect. I hope things are well for you. Anyway kepp em coming cause we are all the wiser because everone has an opinion that can help us grow.

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