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Single woman hitting on my husband!

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If the slut becomes a real problem- there are strict laws that prohibit sexual harrasment in the workplace! Get her fired if she won't leave him alone!

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Well, I don't see what she's done so far that's all that bad. You have a "feeling" and that seems to be much of what you're going on. Although the "you can thank me later" comment was way out of line, I'm not sure about the other comments like - looking for a man like yours or he's a hottie. Could it be she just wants to please you? Or maybe she's very lonely and figures that sucking up will make her feel like she belongs.


I dunno because I'm not living it, but I don't think you have enough to bounce a basketball off her head yet. I would definitely stop hanging around with her, and the next time she says something our of line, firmly put her in her place, but no need to make a scene.


One other thing... not too many people are going to lie about sharing a smoke with someone. That's silly and she can make up worse than that if she wants to cause trouble. I think your husband is lying.

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For pete's sake...your husband is a grown man. Sounds like he's being a baby and leaving this up to you. And you are egging it on by having her near. The other side to "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" is "close enemies know where to hit you where it hurts." Block her IM's, tell her she makes you uncomfortable about her intent with your H and that you are ending your "relationship." Or don't tell her anything and let Hubby deal.

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