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Whats happening? Need =///

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Im 18, in college and have known this girl for 3-4 years.

Previously (when we were 15-16) we used to text each other constantly etc and became very close friends and because of our close relationship I soon developed feelings for her. However at this stage she was in a long term relationship and it got to the point where her boyfriend were threatening to beat me up because she talked to me more than she talked to them.


A few months later she split up with her boyfriend and I told her how I felt, she then told me that she liked me as a friend and did have feelings for me but didnt want to go further than that , I then decided to stop talking to her completely as I had such strong feelings for her and even seeing her hurt me.


When we started College (Last year) I began to be able to talk to her without feeling as bad as before and we became friends again however she had a new boyfriend at this stage and I still had feelings for her so I continued to distance myself from her.


However about a month ago she split up with her boyfriend and has been texting, and IM'ing me since and we now text/use facebook chat for 3-4 hours every night. On Monday she asked me if I wanted to come round to her house on the Saturday so I agreed enthusiastically and now I'ts thursday and I am incredibly anxious and confused. We barely see each other face to face in college and when I do see her she's surrounded by friends and therefore am never able to actually talk to her one-one, she has recently voiced her concern saying that "The weekend will be wierd, because we hardly ever talk face to face but I',m looking forward to it nonetheless"


My problem is that she knows how I feel as I have made that clear however I'm still unsure of what she wants or whether she really does want to be with me. I have no idea what she expects from me, or what to expect from her...


I realize this is grammatically shocking and is probably an awful read but it reflects my mind ATM as its are an absolute mess.

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I would take that as a good sign, but just be aware of her being on the rebound from her ex. I'd go around, just as a friend, and don't expect anything:)

Enjoy yourself:)

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