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2011. How's your $$ health now.

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The Dow has hit 12,000 from it's low of 7,000(plus). It was at 14,000 B4 the crash. The foreclosure market is so sad for some, but has been an investment vehicle for others. Many people are working again, some at pre crash pay, some at less, a few at more.Still plenty of unemployed.


How are you doing now? I'm making a little more than I was. The smartest thing I did was to keep putting $$ in the market via my retirement plan. We lost big in the crash, but spent the next 2 years buying low. It's called "dollar cost averaging".


Plenty of people halted their 401k contributions and missed the historic rally, plenty have been hurt in real estate. Many have had their perks slashed.


How is your $ health now?

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