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A nerdy gamer girlfriend...no hope?

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Wear some gaming clothing. Then you can just go about your normal day.


Seriously, I posted that yesterday then I went out and got a Bowser shirt (they only had one small left I saw it last week and went and got it), a Horde hoodie (WoW) and an Ahhh! Real Monsters! baby-T. The manager of the Hot Topic started hitting on me some when I got the Real Monsters shirt... I told him I had that game for Sega Genesis and we started talking about games... haha it was kind of funny.


The shirt and gaming clothes is a good idea... I got hit on before I even could finish buying the stuff! I plan to wear the horde hoodie when I know I will be around a lot of guys... some are bound to play WoW or have a buddy who does, and well it's a good conversation started and way to meet like minded people... and if they are available males all the better! If nothing else I get more friends to game with :)


Also try going to game release events... I think Gamestop and Best Buy has them for most upcoming BIG games. you might find chicks there. If there is an arcade or skate park with old joystick games in your area try those.


Unless you play a MMO game, you will probably not meet females that play games by playing your games. Comic book stores also have a lot of gamers... as most have a comic section AND gaming section. I am also into Magic the Gathering, and I remember going to get my monthly comic and seeing chicks and dudes in the gaming section of the comic store.


I don't know what size city you live in, but if it's a college town there is bound to be gamer chicks. If I can think of anymore places to meet gamer chicks I will post them.


Gamer chicks are like epic lootz, its out there for the taking, but you gotta get out there and ace that raid then ace that roll to claim it! If you spend all your time /afk you're never gonna get her!:D


Just watch out for them lootz ninjas!:p

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I can get my raven lord mount in 1 try but I can't seem to bag this particular epic loot for years :p


for MMOs I play WoW.. a lot. There's females, sure..but very far away. the odds of bumping into one from FL (I'm in southern FL, where clubbing and drinking rule the youth :p ) are fairly low.


As a girl, if you wear horde hoodies..it's a lot easier to get approached by guys because..well..that's just how it goes! even if I wear gaming related garbs, chances are a girl won't approach and say "omg for the horde!"...though it'd be awesome, and is always possible. Guys usually approach females, but typically not the other way around..so it's a bit more difficult for myself.


Granted that isn't stopping me from wearing said clothing, as I already do.

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Maybe they like the Alliance better?:eek:


No way, "For the Horde!":D


Used to play that myself and I was always loyal to the Horde.:)

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Is there any secret to winning the hearts of gamer/geeky girls?


Meeting them is easy, all I have to do is go to Japan or Anime club meetings and they are everywhere.


But what to do with them after I've had a conversation, I got no clue.

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I met this chick who's into those stupid jap comics and animation stuff.


she knows wow, diablo stuff too.


well I didn't care about it since her face was alright.


If she was ugly but had the same interest like I did, I wouldn't be interested.


imo, for guys, it doesn't matter as long as she is cute.


I am sure it would be different for girls though.

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One thing that kinda sucks is how there is no social gathering place specifically for this purpose...that is...for gamer guys and gamer girls to meet and possibly hook up. I know some have said conventions and such, it is true that geekyness is abound in such a place, but that's not the *purpose* of a convention.

Those places are just a big exhibition of anime,games,cosplay,etc. The intention behind it is not "hey, if you're a geek, come here and find your lover!" though anything *can* happen of course..and I agree with those that have suggested it, it's probably the best chance of a social gathering to meet gamer girls.


I know plenty of people who were in the same guild/clan, and hooked up after several IRL guild gatherings. That may be more difficult in the USA where people of the same time zone can live thousands of miles apart, however.


See, others have these two places known as clubs and bars. Clubs/bars are basically made for the purpose of meeting others and potentially hooking up (though as it stands most guys just want a one night fling, so it may not be an *effective* way to hook up, if you want something meaningfull). This is coming from someone that never goes to these places, but has friends that do...so I won't say I know from experience. But these places do encourage people to mesh with each other and find like minded people, be it for just sex or for something else. You could argue that these places are not for hooking up too, they are just places to dance/drink...but as I hear it (and it's hard to pretend it's not true) hooking up and such happen pretty commonly at these places.


You are very unlikely to find the kind of girl you want at a bar, based on your OP. I don't even bother because I know the kind of guy I want doesn't frequent bars.


Gamers...we don't have that advantage! The closest to a mingle and get to know other geeks type of thing is most likely a convention, but a convention's purpose is not to hook people up, though it obviously can happen.

LAN Cafe's are also another spot where gamers meet up, but not for the purpose of a hook up or the like, it's to play games.

Got to know my ex at a LAN cafe, although we were already collegemates to begin with then.

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Gamer chicks are like epic lootz, its out there for the taking, but you gotta get out there and ace that raid then ace that roll to claim it! If you spend all your time /afk you're never gonna get her!:D


Just watch out for them lootz ninjas!:p


I actually LoL'ed at this. Great analogy. :lmao::p:D

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Is there any secret to winning the hearts of gamer/geeky girls?


Meeting them is easy, all I have to do is go to Japan or Anime club meetings and they are everywhere.


But what to do with them after I've had a conversation, I got no clue.


Show them how much gold you have and your gearscore. If you have an epic mount, that helps too :)


Ask them on a date... dress nice and pay. Clean your car... even if its a piece of **** if its clean inside and outside she will like that.

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Show them how much gold you have and your gearscore. If you have an epic mount, that helps too :)


Ask them on a date... dress nice and pay. Clean your car... even if its a piece of **** if its clean inside and outside she will like that.

Doesn't seem any different from a regular girl.


What are the best things to talk about in the early stages?


If we're both into anime and games, then it's very easy to have conversations. But I'll be talking to her like she's a dude. It's a one way ticket to friendsville.

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Hmm... not care about games? I guess with some people it is a fad, but for others is a lifetime thing... the consoles change, the games change... but the love for gaming stays the same. Atari in the 1980s... XBOX360 now...


Maybe he will be less likely to look for a gamer chick in 4 years, his priorities might shift after he has a family one day, but he seems like one of those that will always be a gamer.


But talking about gaming all the time isn't healthy I agree. Its good to have other interests and do other things.

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Doesn't seem any different from a regular girl.


Perfectly right. Except that your game prowess, wit, and geekiness earns you more bonus points than it otherwise might (I think a guy who is skilled at a game while not sacrificing his RL stuff for it is hot ;)). But not enough to cover up if you lack in being able to talk about other stuff, romancing her, etc.

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One thing that kinda sucks is how there is no social gathering place specifically for this purpose...that is...for gamer guys and gamer girls to meet and possibly hook up. I know some have said conventions and such, it is true that geekyness is abound in such a place, but that's not the *purpose* of a convention.

Those places are just a big exhibition of anime,games,cosplay,etc. The intention behind it is not "hey, if you're a geek, come here and find your lover!" though anything *can* happen of course..and I agree with those that have suggested it, it's probably the best chance of a social gathering to meet gamer girls.


See, others have these two places known as clubs and bars. Clubs/bars are basically made for the purpose of meeting others and potentially hooking up (though as it stands most guys just want a one night fling, so it may not be an *effective* way to hook up, if you want something meaningfull). This is coming from someone that never goes to these places, but has friends that do...so I won't say I know from experience. But these places do encourage people to mesh with each other and find like minded people, be it for just sex or for something else. You could argue that these places are not for hooking up too, they are just places to dance/drink...but as I hear it (and it's hard to pretend it's not true) hooking up and such happen pretty commonly at these places.


Gamers...we don't have that advantage! The closest to a mingle and get to know other geeks type of thing is most likely a convention, but a convention's purpose is not to hook people up, though it obviously can happen.

LAN Cafe's are also another spot where gamers meet up, but not for the purpose of a hook up or the like, it's to play games.



Hmm..my apologies if this came off like a bit of a rant :p figured if I'm already getting it all out there, may as well touch on all bases.



You sound exactly like me a few years ago. I used to be crazy for anime conventions, even wrote a prolific anime blog (search google) until work and marriage commitments meant that I have little time left for it. My wife is pretty much a geek (loves anime, games and some other stuff I don't know). Amusingly, we met through my anime blog (now passed to others due to lack of time). Perhaps another way of meeting girls? :cool:

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That's a really neat way to meet a spouse impz!


I kind of want to play Grand Theft Auto with this hot cop that lives below me... literally and figuratively ;)


Or maybe Need for Speed... Hot Pursuit :laugh:


Sorry I am just being raunchy.

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That's a really neat way to meet a spouse impz!


I kind of want to play Grand Theft Auto with this hot cop that lives below me... literally and figuratively ;)


Or maybe Need for Speed... Hot Pursuit :laugh:


Sorry I am just being raunchy.


Ya, most of my friends thought I was joking (I don't seem to be the type of guy who enjoys anime) until they saw my blog and go like :eek:. It's quite hilarious to be honest, and it is probably the best decision of my life to write an anime blog. My wife is the sweetest and most hilarious person to be with (she always manages to crack herself up and I laugh insanely at her silliness).


Duckduckgoose on GTA with a hot cop *Cough cough*

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Gamer chicks are like epic lootz, its out there for the taking, but you gotta get out there and ace that raid then ace that roll to claim it! If you spend all your time /afk you're never gonna get her!:D


Just watch out for them lootz ninjas!:p


Actually, I just realized we use DKP/EPGP instead of roll - which works better for the OP, I'm sure. Roll is too luck-based. :lmao:;)


So OP, work on improving your DKP!

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Finding that right person is really luck based too. My stbxH built up a lot of DKP with me, and spent it all on a marriage. Then he got unhappy with his epic loot and started to look for an upgrade. Then he vendored his epic loot and rolled on something else. He didn't win the roll, but when you sell your loot to a vendor and log out you can't get it back.


And if you ask most people about their H or W, they always say they were really lucky to get them. So its definitely a roll thing to get the right one IMO. you gotta be at the right place, right time, lucky dice, and PRAY!


I just realized I compared myself to epic lootz. :rolleyes: Its been one of them days.

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Finding that right person is really luck based too. My stbxH built up a lot of DKP with me, and spent it all on a marriage. Then he got unhappy with his epic loot and started to look for an upgrade. Then he vendored his epic loot and rolled on something else. He didn't win the roll, but when you sell your loot to a vendor and log out you can't get it back.


And if you ask most people about their H or W, they always say they were really lucky to get them. So its definitely a roll thing to get the right one IMO. you gotta be at the right place, right time, lucky dice, and PRAY!


I just realized I compared myself to epic lootz. :rolleyes: Its been one of them days.


I totally apologize for even daring to equate myself as a geek now. I barely understood (read: totally clueless) the abbreviations. ~_~ It's a wonderful analogy though. You need a lot of skill books to level your base attributes. After spending time to do a quest with the right lady, you then have a better relationship. Eventually, you receive a perk that you thought is great. The problem is that this perk is a double-edged sword and stays with you for life. Life is hard as a dweller of the wastelands. Still, it's pretty good to have such a perk :D


Kudos to those who knows the reference :p

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Man there's a lot of cross referencing with gaming parallels going on :laugh:

Though I follow along!


I pretty much agree that there's quite a degree of luck needed in obtaining my epic (more like legendary) "drop" IRL. :p let's hope It starts rolling in sooner than later!

Guess the loneliness at times is what gets to me, sucks being in a 1 person party for so long...I need a very special duo static partner...and NOT just in games :laugh:

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I totally apologize for even daring to equate myself as a geek now. I barely understood (read: totally clueless) the abbreviations. ~_~ It's a wonderful analogy though. You need a lot of skill books to level your base attributes. After spending time to do a quest with the right lady, you then have a better relationship. Eventually, you receive a perk that you thought is great. The problem is that this perk is a double-edged sword and stays with you for life. Life is hard as a dweller of the wastelands. Still, it's pretty good to have such a perk :D


Kudos to those who knows the reference :p



Fallout :laugh:

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I'm a healer IRL and in-game :)


Nothing beats a woman who will keep you up in game and in-bed ;)

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Wow, so many WoW terms being thrown around.


I have thousands of DKP saved up, but I keep wiping on the boss :(


If only I could trade in my grays for some purples.

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Finding that right person is really luck based too. My stbxH built up a lot of DKP with me, and spent it all on a marriage. Then he got unhappy with his epic loot and started to look for an upgrade. Then he vendored his epic loot and rolled on something else. He didn't win the roll, but when you sell your loot to a vendor and log out you can't get it back.


And if you ask most people about their H or W, they always say they were really lucky to get them. So its definitely a roll thing to get the right one IMO. you gotta be at the right place, right time, lucky dice, and PRAY!


I just realized I compared myself to epic lootz. :rolleyes: Its been one of them days.


LOL. True! :lmao: But, as much as luck factors in, it isn't ALL luck. You don't put in the work building up the DKP, even if your epic loot comes along you're gonna miss it. ;)

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